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Where To Take Women On Dates

Plus: Virgins, Panties, And All Kinds Of Other Fascinating Stuff...


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I have to admit your material is dead on the

money. C & F works great, and your analysis of how

the female mind works answers a lot of questions

I've had.

While I am loath to admit it, I am a 22 y/o

virgin. When girls find out about this they almost

always ask why? Some girls have even gone as far

as to change their minds about sleeping with me

because I was a virgin. They claimed that they

didn't want to risk giving me a bad first time,

but I smell some BS there. I know girls read into

everything, so what are they reading into the fact

that I'm a virgin and is there any explanation I

can give that won't have me looking like a loser?

Thanks D.S. Chicago



I really admire the fact that you're willing to

reach out and ask for help.

Most guys are so caught up in themselves and

their problems that they wind up suffering in

silence... and, of course, are worse off because

of it.

I'm going to give you an "outside the box"

answer for your particular situation (even though

it sounds like you've been doing quite a bit of

"out of the box" thinking all by yourself... I

know, I just couldn't help myself).

Here it is...

Don't talk about it.

Don't "explain" it in the first place.

Many problems in life are ILLUSIONS.

And yours is one of them.

Think of it this way...

Your dad, grandfather, great-grandfather, and

so on, all the way back to the first humans

figured out how to have sex for the first time.

It's not that big of a deal, man.

I recommend that you focus on learning how a

woman's body works, how to get her turned on and

keep her turned on, etc. rather than focusing on

YOURSELF... which is what you're doing.

If you can make a woman feel incredible

physical pleasure, she won't care if you're a

virgin. In fact, she won't ask or even bring the

topic up, because she'll be feeling so good that

the thought will never cross her mind.

It is not your obligation as a person to inform

the person you're about to sleep with that you've

never had sex before... lol.

Great email...

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I am recently divorced and am 32 years old.

Haven't dated since I was 21. So I have just kind

of thrown myself back out there. A friend of mine

told me about you and this newsletter so I started

reading it and am fascinated by your advice. I

have always been the nice guy - ready with an

honest compliment and holding the door etc. Its

not an act - its just how I am. But I seem to be

sensing a problem with this...

With my friends and gal pals I get the "you're too

nice" comment all the time. I am still trying to

figure out how you can be too nice. How can you be

too much of a gentleman. Is this truly something

that can kind of trip you up dating these days, if

you are like me. Thanks

DK - Denver, Colorado


Ah yes, the big realization that "nice" isn't

always "good".

I'm going to give you a piece of advice that

could be PRICELESS to you.

Get my Advanced Dating Techniques program.

It will change your entire perspective of how

the world works (at least when it comes to dating

and relationships).

I guarantee beyond a shadow of a doubt that you

will get TREMENDOUS benefit from it.

Why do I just recommend my program rather than

giving you an explanation?

Because I can tell from your question that you

need more than a short answer.

You need a new understanding of WHY "nice"

doesn't attract women... and what to do instead.

I was a "nice" guy for a lot of years of my own

life, and I honestly believed that I was doing the

"right thing".

It only makes sense, right?

How could it POSSIBLY be true that ANYTHING

other than "niceness" could lead to success with


Well guess what?

It IS true.

And if you don't take the time and make the

investment in yourself to LEARN what you need to

do, you're going to suffer a lot longer than you

need to.

Trust me on this one.

If, for some reason, you can't afford my

program at this point in your life, then stay

tuned to these newsletters for hints. There are a

lot of good ideas here.

But if you can afford it, get it.

Women don't feel those powerful, magical, GUT-

LEVEL emotions for "nice" guys.

It may suck, it may not be "fair", and it may

not be "right" or whatever.

Get used to it. It's reality.

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Hey Dave,

I attended your seminar a few months ago and have

almost all of your materials (guys you've got to

get the interview series, it'll blow you away, and

is VERY affordable). I am finally starting to

"get it." Here's an example: I recently met a

girl online (she responded to my personal ad) and

we got together a few evenings ago. She stayed

the whole evening and after some verbal teasing

(C&F) things progressed physically. Teasing her

with smooth kissing & touching then pulling away

really seemed to turn her on (2 steps forward 1

step back). Later, after making out, I playfully

tried to kick her out of my apartment. I said

things like "isn't it past your bedtime, I need to

sleep, don't you have to work tomorrow, don't your

cats need food," etc. Well she didn't leave until

8 the next morning :) and even then she didn't

want to leave, but had to go to work. We've

exchanged several emails since, in which I've

really busted her balls, she remains very

interested and we're meeting again soon. I

learned a few things here. Not only did proper

use of the C&F and 2 steps forward, 1 step back

concepts build sexual tension & anticipation, but

trying to get rid of her (playfully), as counter-

intuitive as it may seem, actually drew her

closer. I realized that in general, being willing

to walk away is so powerful because it shows

you're confident and not needy, in control of

yourself (and your hormones), and instantly makes

you a challenge she must work for, all of which

makes her want you more, not less. This worked

especially well because I had set up the

relationship properly first (i.e. created

ATTRACTION). This definitely shows a big

improvement in my "game." Keep the great materials


N. from Salt Lake City (yeah you know me)


What can I say? You're the man...

It's clear to me that you've gotten to the

point where you can UNDERSTAND what is going on...

and you've reached the point where you can

actually control yourself (and those hormones).



Give her room to miss you and think about you.

Give her at LEAST a day or two off here and

there to think about you... but not hear from you.

If you do not, you'll feel the tide begin to

shift, her interest begin to fade, and you'll be

wondering what happened.

Now keep up the great work!

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Dear David:

I have been receiving your emails for a few weeks

now, and wanted to pass along a success story of

my own.

I heard something on the radio few weeks ago that

grabbed my attention. The caller said that he just

walks up to women he sees, and asks them for their

bra or panties or both. (He only tells them that

he collects them.) Well, after reading your

emails, I thought this was a great C&F thing to

try. I went out last Saturday night, and I saw an

attractive woman and told her that I was

collecting women's underwear, and that I wanted

hers. After the shock wore off, she got up and

went into the bathroom. When she came out, she

handed me her panties and said, " I swear to God,

if you sniff these, I'll kick your ass." Well, I

couldn't resist. I turned around and stuck out my

butt. She smacked it, and then I sniffed her

panties! Again, she was so shocked she just stood

there looking at me with her mouth open. Well, to

make a long story short, when I left a few minutes

later, she was giving me her number without my

even asking for it!!! I would never have thought

of doing something like this before reading your

emails, let alone actually doing it. You've

changed my life. Thank you

B. B. Casper, WY


I don't know what to say to this one, except

for "I had to include this one".

Guys, try this one at your own risk...

But it makes for some damn good reading.

Maybe it's something in the water there in

Casper, Wyoming...

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Hey Dave,

Great stuff. I got your e-book a while back, and

it has totally changed my attitude and approach

towards women. It's helped me tremendously in

meeting and talking to them. I can't wait to get

your advanced series. My dilemma is that I'm

only 5-2, I weigh 120 lbs., and I'm balding, to

top it off (pardon the pun). I know from

experience that most females will pretty much have

nothing to do with a guy as short as I am. On the

rare occasion, when I can meet someone who isn't

so worried about height, I have no problem being c

& f and making them laugh. But even they seem to

not take me so seriously. I even tried my luck

online, but again, it's the rare female that

responds to me. Credit to those who do, they

usually are a ton of fun to talk to, and could

care less how tall a guy is. Any recommendations

(short of platform shoes or stilts) on different

approaches I could use to change my luck with

them, and make them realize that personality's

more important than height?

T in FLA


Yeah, my recommendation is that you stop

thinking that you have a "dilemma".

You have what you have.

Calling it a dilemma, thinking of your size as

a problem, and trying to figure out "tricks" or

techniques to deal with your "problems" isn't the


Do this:

Boldly approach every woman you're interested

in as if you're the greatest opportunity she will

ever have.

Learn how to overcome your own issues with


Stop talking about "luck" as if it's the reason

why you're unsuccessful with women.

Approach each new woman with an open mind, and

realize that every one is different.

Most importantly...

If you are rejected, shut down, criticized, put

down, laughed at, or whatever is the WORST thing

you can think of, GET OVER IT.

You'll get in a car every day without thinking

about it, and drive down a road at 60 miles per

hour, NEARLY MISSING every single car that goes by

in the other lane...literally taking your LIFE

into your hands... with NO FEAR... but you're

allowing your concept of how women are biased

against you IMMOBILIZE you.

Stop that!

Your whole "I know from experience that woman

won't have anything to do with a guy that's as

short as I am" thing is BS!

I have a friend who's about 5'4" or so who is

ALWAYS surrounded by hot women.

In fact, a DIFFERENT friend of mine who's also

shorter dates some of the most beautiful women in

the world.

Your limitation is in your mind.

Sure, women PREFER taller guys ON AVERAGE.

But your limiting belief sucks. Get rid of it.

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Hey D, I'm a 20 year old guy, I work in a grocery

store and am attending college. I read your

newsletters but haven't gotten around to buying

your book yet. Anyway, here it is, I use your C&F

techniques with women that I meet, get their

numbers and email, etc. but when we go out, not

like a date, just to the clubs, or parties, or

whatever. Most of the time even though I was the

one who did everything, the girls always seemed to

be more interested in my friends than in me. I

don't act to needy or clingy or wuss like (I once

was, but after reading some of your newsletters I

realized I was being more of an ass than

anything). anyway, can you help me out here?


T in elba


Well what are you doing, man?

You get a woman's email and number, then call

her, then get a date with her... then take her to


Or even WORSE, a CLUB?


The whole idea of getting a girl's email and

number is so you can spend more time ALONE with


If you want to hang out with women at clubs,


Are you familiar with the concept of not taking

sand to the beach?

Here's my recommendation:

When you're arranging your first date with a

girl, tell her to come to your house, and that

you'll go to coffee or tea with her from there.

Then, when you're finished with your beverages,

tell her that you want to show her your new

Spiderman comic books.

ANYTHING is better than taking a girl to a

party, dude.

Stop it!

Oh, and quit being lazy, and download my eBook.

It's going to make your life a lot better, and

fast. You can download it in seconds, and be

reading it and tons of other good stuff:

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I've never really had any problems getting numbers

from girls. I have been using your guidelines even

before I knew what they were. I always keep it

short and to the point. No fancy pick-up lines

just say "hi" get a little personal info, crack a

joke and bam I'm off, usually with a number in

hand ( or in phone ). But lately I've been testing

out a new strategy that has been getting very

positive results. I wanted to see what your

insights were and whether you had any additional

advice on the subject.

The strategy is pretty simple, I just blow girls

off. I start off acting very interested, ie..

getting a number or name, and then I let that

marinade with them for as long as it takes for

them to break down. Usually they keep pestering me

to call them, hang out, whatever. I just keep

acting like ( not telling them outright ) I will

call or that we will go hang out "sometime". Being

a college student, eventually I see these girls

out on the weekend at a club, bar, party or any

social gathering, and they are so excited that I'm

finally in a place to hang out with them hooking

up is almost too easy. Anyway. what do you think?

Good? Bad? And what are the possible negative

aspects of this strategy.


Knoxville, TN


The only possible "negative" aspects of this

strategy are:

1) You might have to get a new phone number

because you'll have so many women calling you.

2) You may need to move as well to avoid the


You're on the right track BIG TIME here.

This is gold, pure and simple.

Now you're talking.


Dave - I recently met this lady and after a little

chit chat she gave me her email. I sent her an

email a couple days later which basically said

that I would like to get to know her. She did not

respond to the email, but two days later I saw her

and she came to me and said thank you for the

note. My question is whether or not she is worth




Not. Oh, and stop sending emails to women that

say "I'd like to get to know you".

Be interesting.

Be fun.

Say crazy stuff.


Bust her chops.


Have you been reading my newsletters?

Boring is BAD.

You sound boring to me.


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I've been getting your newsletters for a few weeks

now and I realized something. When I was younger

I was very successful with women because I didn't

care about a relationship. I'm 30 years old now

and somewhere along the line I started behaving

differently because I was looking for someone to

settle down with. That is when I started having

problems meeting women. By reading your

newsletter, I made the connection as to why I was

successful in the past. It had nothing to do with

how I looked, but my attitude.

Last week I decided to put your methods to the

test. There's this girl that had been flirting

with me at a weekly gathering some of my friends

attend. At the end of the night I made my move

and she shot me down cold. When I asked what all

the flirting had been about she said that it was

all in good fun. The next week I started the

cocky & funny routine. She pulled me outside,

threw her arms around me and said, "Kiss me!" I

blew her off and made some smart ass comment. She

just stood there staring at me like she couldn't

believe what had just happened. I just stared back

and refused to break eye contact. Eventually, she

looked away, slapped me on the arm and said,

"You're bad!" Later on we made out on the balcony

and then she asked what I thought. In a sarcastic

tone, I said, "It was alright." She playfully

punched me in the arm and I went inside and acted

like nothing had happened between us. It was

great to turn the tables on her. If I've started

having success just by reading your newsletter, I

can't wait to order your materials.

S, Oklahoma


Gold star for you.

You get it. Your letter should be read by

every living single man, period.

Thank you, and good night.



I just got your Advanced Series in the

mail last week and I've been studying left and

right for the past 7 days. It is thoroughly

phenomenal!!! In my life, I've never heard such

powerful techniques for attaining lifestyle

success - this is a godsend to me! Thank You so


Now, to the success...I went on a road trip

yesterday to Indianapolis to visit a friend and

stopped off at the shopping mall to pick up a few

shirts. There was a smokin' black girl working in

the store and I really wanted to approach her

so I say, "Excuse me, Fashion Goddess..." and hold

up two shirts to compare, "...if you saw me at a

party wearing one of these shirts, which one would

you find me most attractive in?" "The green one",

she replies. I say to her, "Well, I'll make sure

not to get that one, then...see, I've been trying

to avoid unstable women lately." Dave, this

woman's jaw just drops to the floor - I broke

right through her brat barrier in no time flat.

So, we flirt for 10 minutes or so...and I TELL her

- not asking her - to take her lunch break with

me, because I'm hungry and I need someone to buy

me lunch. Well, of course, she did and she bought

me lunch after 10 minutes of flirting and ball

busting. And, as a side note, she was 27 and

seemed to be very experienced with guys and I JUST

TURNED 21 this week - she knew this first hand and

didn't even care...I made her feel attraction off

the bat and, as you say, "No amount of logic (or

age differences) could convince her otherwise".

PHENOMENAL!!!!! I'll definitely get together with

this bombshell next time I'm in town.

Thanks Dave, this stuff is absolutely changing my

life!!! I can't wait for some of the new


Ciao! DF Bloomington, IN


Ah, another man that gets it.

You've pointed out a personal favorite little

humor trick of mine...

Leading a girl to think that you're saying one

thing, then turning it completely around.

Another example:

You sit down to eat at a restaurant, and start

talking to the cute waitress.

You start flirting with her. She flirts back a

little bit.

Next, you ask her what she thinks the best

thing is on the menu.

After she answers, you either say:

"Well, if your taste in food is even half as

good as your taste in men, then it must be damn



"Well, I just wanted to know what to

I'll make sure to NOT order that."

Good stuff.

Killer flirting material.

Thanks for your email... keep it up.

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Hi Dave,

I just bought the advanced CD series & it's

amazing what a difference they make. Being able

to listen on the way to work, whilst out doing

chores, etc. is cool. I can feel the confidence

building inside me, it's like my own personal


The C&F doesn't come naturally to me at present so

I've taken your advice and am using the internet

as a 'woman simulator' in order to practice. I've

had mixed results so far, I think a few took the

teasing the wrong way as some of them would

suddenly stop replying. I must be better at the

C&F than I thought though. The first time I went

on this site I was chatting to a few girls and one

of them ended up giving me her mobile and asking

if we could go for coffee before I had chance to.

Anyway my question: You suggest that a date should

simply be 'tea & stimulating conversation', which

for all of the reasons you give makes perfect

sense to me. But once I've done the tea &

conversation with this girl, do you have any

suggestions for other dates where I can come

across as the 'lover' instead of the 'provider'.

The only one where I wouldn't end up having to

shell out (buy her stuff) that I can think of is a

walk along the river or something, but that's

rather dependant on the weather. Thanks for

changing my life.

AIB - London, UK


You're welcome for changing your life.

Glad to help.

Now, on to your question...

Other "date" ideas...

I'm going to answer your question with one of

my favorite "not quite answer your question" type

of answers.

I think that you need to REALIZE something.

You need to REALIZE that a "date" is just an


You don't need to "go out" on "dates" with


I went for several months of my life without

"dating" women...

But during those months I "saw" a TON of women.

How did I do that?

Look, a "date" is a nice idea.

You meet a girl, you like her, you offer to

take her out and show her a good time in order to

prove to her that you're a nice guy.

What ACTUALLY happens?

It backfires.

You wind up spending a bunch of money, paying

for her attention, going places that are loud or

uncomfortable, and basically saying to her in a

subtle way that you don't have what it takes to

attract a woman, so you need to take women "out"


Here's my point.

You have listened to my Advanced Series.

Think about the CENTRAL MESSAGE that I'm really communicating in that program.

What I'm saying is that you can be the kind of

man that women want to be around.

In other words, you can become so damn

interesting and stimulating to women that they

want to be with you, no matter WHAT the situation

happens to be.

Look, I have women call me that I haven't

talked to in months or even YEARS... who just call

up to say "Hi, how are you? I'd like to see you


Is it because I buy them things? Or because I

write them love letters? Or take them out a lot?

No way.

It's because they remember how they FEEL when

they're around me. And they want MORE.

Of course, I'm not the only guy in the world

that is in this situation.

I know many guys who have this very same thing

happen to them a lot.

Stop thinking about where to TAKE women, in the

"physical" sense, and start realizing that you can

TAKE a woman somewhere EMOTIONALLY with your

communication and behavior that will make the


Now, to answer your question... lol...

Try fun things like:

- Tell her that she's going to the grocery store

with you because you need to shop.

- Pick her up and go to a museum. They're often

free, and you actually get to learn something at

the same time.

- Play pool, air hockey, or something else that's

FUN. It's cheap, too.

- Go to a mall or funky shopping area and just



...there are a million ideas for where to go.

But pay attention to what I said earlier. It's

not important where you go. It's important who you

are when you get there.

...Oh, and one more IMPORTANT thing...

If you're reading this right now, and you'd

like to stop WATCHING guys meet women, and

LISTENING to stories about other guys meeting

women... and actually BE THE GUY who meets women,

then it might be time for you to DO SOMETHING

about it.

It took me YEARS of trial and error to figure

out all the amazing things I've learned.

Much of that time was spent making friends with

guys who were naturally good with women, going out

with them, watching them, talking to them,

interviewing them, etc.

After taking what I learned and making MYSELF

successful with women and dating, I decided to put

together some materials to share what I've learned

with others.

If you've already read my book "Double Your

Dating", then you should get your hands on a copy

of my program called "Sexual Communication".

Inside this program I'll teach you all about

the secret language of ATTRACTION... and how to

use your COMMUNICATION to dial-up powerful

feelings inside of women... and direct them

towards YOU.

You can get the details, plus watch some video

clips of the program HERE: Click

I also HIGHLY recommend my "Cocky Comedy" DVD

program. This program will teach you all about why

people LAUGH (it's not why you think, most of the

time), and how to use this great combination of

humor and arrogance to trigger ATTRACTION in a


I can't say enough good things about this

program... so just take a minute and check it out.

Just like my other programs, you can watch some

great video clips of it HERE: Click

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.


© 2001-2004 David DeAngelo Communications Inc, All Rights Reserved." Double Your Dating" and "David DeAngelo" are trademarks used by David DeAngelo Communications Inc.