Message From Neale Donald Walsch
Dear Friends,
Wouldn't it be great if we could all just decide that
we're Santa Claus?
I mean it. I'm serious. What would happen if we all
just decided that we WERE that!??
Is the human mind capable of creating a change in our
entire personality because we've decided to do
something as simple as imitate somebody else?
Let me ask that question again, because you may have
missed its significance. I asked: Is the human mind
capable of creating a change in our entire personality
because we've decided to do something as simple as
imitate somebody else?
I ask the question because yesterday and the day
before in Branson, Missouri nearly 300 Santas and Mrs.
Clauses attended the first convention of the
Amalgamated Order of Real Bearded Santas. (To be
recognized as a real Santa, members have to have real
According to group spokesperson Joe Moore of San
Clemente, California, the convention program provided
Santas (over 8000 came from all over the world!) a
place to discuss the challenges and opportunities
inherent in their decision to "be" Santa. There were
seminars on "The Art of Storytelling," for instance,
and "Dealing with Special Needs Children." There was
even a session on "Santa Ethics", and 12 other topics
were covered.
Now your children might ask, "How can there be so many
Santas?" Then again they might as well ask, "How can
there be so many Gods?" because God is walking around
all over the place. Every person you see is Divinity
Expressed. In a newspaper story on the Santa
convention, the Associated Press asked the first
"They probably all take turns," said 6-year-old Audrey
Hislip, of Vincennes, Indiana. "'Cause there are a lot
of places to get to in the world," said 6-year-old
Jessi Whittle, of Iberia, Missouri.
The AP story went on to report that "some Santas are
salesmen, some teachers, some retail workers. One is a
Catholic priest from Alabama and plans to celebrate
Mass on Sunday, the final day of the convention."
But now, here comes the interesting part.
Are you ready for this? The AP story said
that people told their reporter: "When you put that
suit on, you're a different person. You're actually
Article continues below...
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Oh-oh, wait a minute. Did you catch that? Did you
catch the significance of that? The AP story
said that people told their reporter: "When you put
that suit on, you're a different person. You're
actually Santa."
That quote was attributed in the AP story to Larry
June, identified in the article as a parts clerk at
the fleet maintenance facility of the Unified
Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City,
"Even when you don't have it on," his wife, Vickie,
added, recalling a girl who saw her husband -- a tall
man with a husky voice and long, mostly white beard --
in a restaurant and yelled, "Mommy, Mommy, there's
Santa Claus!", the AP story said.
"Things like that happen no matter where we go. I
mean, there's something about Santa," she added.
The AP story also spoke of Sid Fletcher, who is Santa
at Mall of America near Minneapolis. Sid has been
Santa for 30 years. He uses his own personal annual
vacation time from Hitchcock Industries, where he
makes aircraft parts, to be Santa. But, fascinatingly,
he acts like Santa all year long.
"During the off-season, I catch him at a stop sign
waving at the kids," his wife, Mollie, said with a
Now when I read that story I had two reactions. At
first, my heart was warmed, of course. Whose wouldn't
be? And then I began to ponder something that struck
me. Could growing a beard and adopting another
identity actually cause a change in someone's
behavior? Could such an external decision cause such
an internal shift in a person's State of Being?
Wow! Zounds! Of course , I said to myself.
The answer is YES!
And then it hit me. Isn't this what every
spiritual leader has been trying to tell us from the
beginning of time?
All we have to do is change our identity! All
we have to do to achieve personal transformation is
think of ourselves in a new way; think of
ourselves as if we were someone else.
Whoa. What a revelation! This works!
Haven't Christians for two thousand years been
exhorting their followers to "be like Jesus"? Surely
you have seen the acronym widely circulated by
Christians: WWJD? (What would Jesus do?)
Isn't that what the Santa's are up to? Aren't they
simply asking, in their own minds, WWSD?
And aren't Muslims invited to follow the example
placed before them by the life of the Prophet
For that matter, do not the leaders/founders of all
the world's religions invite us to do nothing more, in
the end, than don a new personality, follow the
example set down by others (The Buddha? Baha' u' llah?
Joseph Smith? Moses? Abraham?)
Have not our greatest spiritual teachers done nothing
more than set out for us examples of how we might
And do we even need a spiritual teacher to do this?
What if we all simply decided to behave like Santa?
For that matter, who is to say that Santa is not a
"spiritual teacher"? Wouldn't it be fascinating if he
turned out to be the greatest spiritual teacher of
all? He doesn't demand exclusivity (you can call him
Santa, you can think of him as Saint Nick, Pere Noel,
Father matter), he doesn't make anyone
"wrong" if they don't believe in him at all, and he
grants the wish of every child who simply believes in
him. Hmmm...
So here's an idea for this week. What if we all just
decided who we would most choose to be like,
and then just pretend we ARE like that! Why
don't we get an ideal in our mind...maybe it's Moses,
maybe it's Jesus, maybe it's Muhammad or Buddha, or
maybe it's Santa or maybe even our own Mom or Dad or
that gym teacher in high school (what was his
name?)...why don't we get that ideal in our mind, and
then, just for this week, pretend we are that
person ? Isn't that a great idea?
Wouldn't it be interesting if the whole of all the
world's religions and all the world's spiritual wisdom
traditions broke down to something as simple as that?
Oh, and wouldn't it be equally fascinating if it
turned out that WE were setting the example and
modeling the behaviors for our children and our
children's children, and for others who cross our path
every day? What if WE were the person that some other
was looking up to in order to get an idea of what it
is like to be a really great human? Would we be
pleased with the example we have set today?
This shall be my question for the day. I'm going to
ask myself this question all day long. Then I'm going
to see if it causes any change in any of my
Or maybe I'll just walk around...pretending to be
Santa Claus.
Love and hugs...Santa. :o)