Dramatically improve your learning ability, memory,
intuition, creativity, and your ability to focus,
concentrate and think more clearly...
Safely and effortlessly take you to
states of profoundly deep (and extremely
pleasurable) meditation…
Stimulate the creation of new neural
pathways between the right and left
hemispheres of your brain, balancing your
brain and leading you to a
high-performance state scientists call
"whole brain functioning"…
Dramatically improve your learning
ability, memory, intuition, creativity,
and your ability to focus, concentrate and
think more clearly…
Create true quantum leaps in your
personal self awareness…
Significantly lower your stress levels
and lower your levels of harmful brain
chemicals related to stress…
Create remarkable improvements in your
mental and emotional health—even in areas
that have stubbornly resisted change with
other approaches…
Dramatically increase your production
of vital (and very pleasurable) brain
chemicals related to your longevity,
well-being, and quality of life…
"I was a true skeptic from the start but
all that has changed...I am convinced that
using the program has dramatically changed the
way I relate to life's opportunities and
challenges. I can't believe how simple it
—Patti Koss,
Studio City, CA
Hello! My name is
Bill Harris, and in 1989 I created a comprehensive
program—now used by over 160,000 people in 172
countries—centered around this remarkable Holosync
audio technology.
This program will accelerate your mental,
emotional, and spiritual growth in ways that will
absolutely amaze you.
Click Here

Creates states of deep meditation and gives
you the benefits of long-term, deep meditation,
but much more quickly.
Boosts intelligence
and creativity
Dramatically lowers stress—raises your
threshold for what you can handle coming at you
from the world.
Creates new levels of
and inner peace.
Heals unresolved emotional issues at the
deepest level, including anxiety, depression,
anger, substance-abuse, fear and many other
dysfunctional feelings.
Guaranteed... or your money back!
Read this letter to learn how Holosync
technology will dramatically improve
your life...
Beaverton, Oregon
Monday morning, 9:14 AM
Dear Friend,
What I'm going to tell you about may sound
like science fiction from the 1950's...but
it's actually cutting edge science of the new
millennium—and it can make you more peaceful,
more effective, more resistant to stress, more
self aware—and much, much happier. In fact, I
guarantee it will accelerate your mental,
emotional, and spiritual growth...and
positively change your life...in ways that
will absolutely astound you.
But first I want to warn you: this is
somewhat of a long letter, because I want you
to have all the information you need to really
understand what this remarkable tool can do
for you. If I could tell you in a single page,
believe me, I would.
I'll make this promise to you, however;
reading this entire letter could represent a
major turning point in your life, and will be
well worth the few minutes it will take.
Okay, let's get started.
if you will, plugging your brain into a
specially mastered CD containing a powerful,
but absolutely safe, audio technology that
launches you into an incredible experience of
deep meditation so powerful...it immediately
begins to create profound, positive changes in
the structure of your nervous system...

If you'd like to meditate as deeply (actually
more deeply) than a Zen monk,
literally at the touch of a button...virtually
eliminate stress from your life...naturally
and safely stimulate the production of brain
chemicals that dramatically slow aging and
increase longevity...boost your mental powers
to unheard of levels...eliminate most
so-called "dysfunctional" feelings and
behaviors...and attain a level of happiness
and inner peace few people experience—please
read on...
In 1985 I became aware of, and
began experimenting with, a remarkable audio
technology I found mentioned in a research paper
published in Scientific American (October
1973) by Dr. Gerald Oster, a research scientist at
Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York. This audio
technology, when placed beneath soothing music and
listened to with stereo headphones, produces some
absolutely mind-blowing experiences (and benefits)
for the listener:
Click Here |
Science Fiction?
Science, yes. Fiction, no. Every one
of these results has been experienced
and reported to us by participants in
the program we've created around
Holosync, our proprietary version of
this amazing audio technology. We call
the program The Holosync Solution™,
and we really believe you'll find it
to be the end of your search for
something that really works.
And, you might be interested to know
that these are not the results of just
a few people. What I've just outlined
is the predominant profile of a
long-term participant in our program.
All this from
listening to a simple CD?
Based on Dr. Gerald Oster's original
research and our own research and
experimentation, we've created a very
powerful audio technology called
Holosync, which we place inaudibly
beneath peaceful music and
environmental sounds. Many people call
it "instant meditation"—but it's much
more than that.
Experiencing these deep meditative
states each day provides a
super-enriched environment for your
nervous system, causing enormous (and
very beneficial) changes in the brain.
What we're actually doing is gradually
giving the nervous system more input
(of a very precise nature) than it can
handle... the way it is
currently structured ...in
much the same way exercise gives your
body more than it can handle
physically, pushing it to grow
The brain's response? Reorganization
at a higher level. Creation of new
neural pathways. Increased
communication between the left and
right hemispheres of the brain,
leading to what scientists call
"whole-brain functioning"—and all the
benefits I've already mentioned!
On a purely mental level, many
scientists believe this increased
communication between the two
hemispheres of the brain is what
separates the Einsteins, Edisons and
Mozarts from the rest of us (that is,
until now!).
Even more impressive are the positive
changes in mental and emotional health
created by daily use of Holosync.
me explain how and why these changes
happen. |