Nature is a constant reminder of the principle of abundance.
Nature routinely produces more than it needs, thousands of times over. Rather
than producing one acorn to grow a replacement oak tree, a mature oak will
produce up to 50,000 acorns in a good year, and the tree will keep producing for
hundreds of years.
That is the natural way.
Plants produce thousands of seeds in order to guarantee the survival of their
That is the natural way.
Palm trees
thousands of seeds
per year
When Infinite Being created the universe, did it stop there? Not at all, it
created an infinite number of universes so that all possibilities of existence
could be experienced.
That is the infinite way.
Limited thinking makes people believe that resources are limited, that there
is only "so much" available. While this appears to be true at the time, it
ignores the fact that you can create new abundance in many ways.
Did the number of horses in the 19th Century limit how easily people can
travel today? Not at all. The car was invented, along with today's
200-horsepower engines.
Did the cost of a large business computer in 1970 limit how much computing
power we have today? Not at all. The personal computer changed all that. Today,
home computers are more powerful than the largest business computers were in

Trip to Mars?
Did the cost of flying into outer space in the 1960s limit people's ability
to go on tourist trips to Mars today? Well, okay...a little more work needs to be
done on that one!
Since nature is so abundant, how can people tap into that abundance and
create it in their own lives? It certainly doesn't happen by making loud demands
at a conscious level, or just by wishing, wanting, or hoping. It is human
consciousness which creates lack, and it is also human consciousness which
creates abundance.
The realization that abundance is a natural state actually allows
abundance to flow into your life.
Natural abundance comes from "getting into the flow," from either getting
excited about what you are doing, or by doing something new that is exciting.
Follow Your
Inner Joy
"Follow your inner joy" may sound like an overused cliche, but it is actually
the key to abundance. Once you follow your excitement and find work that you
love, then synchronicity starts to flow. Synchronicity is nature's way of
telling you that you're on the right track, the natural track.
Synchronicity is a flow of events where everything clicks into place to
support your efforts. It bring you opportunities, people, events and
circumstances exactly when and where they need to be. This all happens because
your efforts are harmonious. The universe is naturally harmonious. It has to be
that way, in order to function successfully. Harmony is balance, while
disharmony is a dysfunction that makes a system fall apart. The universe will
naturally support your efforts when they are in harmony, or "in the flow."
What do you need to do to achieve this natural state of harmony,
synchronicity and abundant flow? Here is the key question.
Ask yourself, "What is the most exciting thing that I could possibly be doing
right now to enhance my long-term, inner joy?"

The state of regular, conscious thinking often contains self-limiting
'filters' like fear, skepticism or lack of self-esteem. So, for the most
inspired and imaginative results, ask the above question near the end of a deep,
20-minute meditation session. That way, your inner possibilities can come
forward into your consciousness without being filtered.
Then, find a way to do that most exciting possibility. And when you have
finished doing that, ask yourself the same question again. Usually, the answer
will be something in the same direction as your first act, although not always.
Inner joy is your barometer of natural flow. Use it to determine what action
is the most important in developing your experience of life. Find ways to
dissolve self-limiting barriers so that you can act upon that inner joy.
To follow your inner joy is to live holistically because you are acting with
more of your complete self. It lightens up your spirit, allowing you to function
at a higher frequency of consciousness.
If you are considering a career change, practical considerations do need to
be considered. Will pursuing your inner joy earn you an adequate living? If you
need to learn an entirely new skill, often the learning phase has to be a
part-time endeavor while you earn a living using your existing skills.
The great thing about doing work you love is that everyone can sense the
living joy within you. Employers want you to work for them. Customers seek you
out, based upon word-of-mouth recommendations. Larger companies want to buy your
prosperous business for an amount that's large enough for you to retire. But
then, why would you sell out when you're having so much fun?
The affirmation
"I am Infinite Being" is the most powerful affirmation possible within the
English language.
Happy surfing upon
the realms of spiritual awareness!
This article was written by Owen Waters,
author of "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness"