13 Warning Signs You're
About To Get Dumped!
Want to know if your relationship is about to hit
the skids?
Looking for tell-tale signs that your love will last
through next week?
Well, look no further. Below you'll find the
"Unlucky 13" -13 warning signs you're about to get
We surveyed a variety of experts to find the most
common warning signs a person is about to get dumped
--including psychologists, body language experts,
graphologists, private investigators and a divorce
attorney. And here's what we found:
1. Is it romantic
Armageddon, or uncomfortable shoes?
Where the toes point, the heart follows. According
to body language expert Patti Wood, MA, CSP, you
should, "look at your sweetie's feet when you are
out with other people." She says, "if they are
pointed at you, great." If they're pointed at
someone else, your partner may be looking to walk.
2. You're starting to
feel like a telemarketer.
Is your sweetie anxious to end phone conversations
right away? A person who knows she's going to end
the relationship with you, but hasn't done so yet
will be itching to get off the phone with you. If
she is talking to you, but not adding anything to
the conversation it's sign she is heading towards
the finish line. She's probably just pacing herself.
3. He's no longer
interested in sex, or worse, he has a new bag of
tricks and a trapeze with the tags still on it.
A dramatic change in sexual behavior can mean two
a) He wants to avoid any situation where he might
have to express emotion or attachment to you, or
b) He's getting it somewhere else.
He avoids talking about the future.
We're not just talking the general, garden-variety
aversion that men have to discussing relationships.
We're talking about a man who avoids having one of
those "we have to talk" talks like it's a shot of
the Plague. As for the future, when next Thursday
seems like too much of a commitment, it could be
because he's trying to extricate himself by
Wednesday night.
5. He says, "I need
some space" or "I think we should see other people."
According to psychologist Jesse Rabinowitz, Ph.D,
people don't usually want to hurt someone else, so
they use "exit strategies." By telling you he wants
to see other people, he's not technically breaking
up with you (so no big crying scene to endure) but
he's given himself a way out. Of course, the second
he gets a little distance, he's going to make a run
for it.

6. If she's looking
left, something's not right.
According to Bill Raduenz, private investigator, a
person who looks up into the air and to the left
when she speaks to you is "not being truthful." The
look left is an indication we're using the
"creative" side of our brains and a good indicator
she's telling you a whopper.
7. He gives you that
little pat on the back.
Watch out for this one. A person who gives you a hug
while patting you on the back is indicating that
they are uneasy. According to Raduenz, the "hand
pat" on the back indicates someone is uncomfortable
with what they're doing. The bigger the pat, the
more discomfort they feel.
There's more. Another important sign that things may
not be going well is the amount of contact during a
hug. Full frontal contact is good. The one-shoulder
hug, or pulling away in other areas could be a sign
the person is "distancing" in the relationship. If
it's a new relationship, the other person may not be
quite ready for that level of physical contact. If
it's an established relationship, it could be a sign
the person is pulling away, or getting ready to
break off the relationship.
8. You don't like what
you see in the mirror.
People mirror each other's body language when they
are in love with similar gestures, voice volume,
etc. If you're noticing the two of you are out of
sync, you probably are.
That's not all. According to body language expert
Wood, a person who is about to dump you will display
a lack of open "windows" towards you. "Windows"
being his heart, eyes, neck and palms. If your man
turns his heart (the center of his chest) away from
you as you are talking to each other, it's a big
sign he's not interested.
9. You see the writing
on the wall.
According to graphologist Karen Weinberg, QDE, a
person who is thinking of ending a relationship will
show clues in her handwriting. When writing the word
"love" she may begin to drop down the letter "e."
Another sign to watch for is if your partner
diminishes the size of your name (sign of your
importance to her.)
10. Every normal person
should know which way the toilet paper goes...
If she's picking silly fights, or there's an unusual
increase in emotional distance, you've got bad news.
According to Melvyn Frumkes, an attorney
specializing in divorce, "a person who picks
nonsensical arguments is trying to get the other
person (you) to make the first move."

11. He keeps you
waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
"Time is an important non-verbal communicator," says
Wood. If he keeps you waiting, it's a sign his
interest is waning, and a sign of disrespect.
This is true for dates as well. If he starts waiting
until the very last minute to make date plans with
you, it's likely he's lost interest, or he's hoping
something better will come along and he's using you
as a back-up.
12. She buys a personal
pager, or a pre-paid cell phone.
This is bad news. Just about every private
investigator in the book will tell you the pager
purchase is a sign of impending heartbreak. Sure, it
could be for work, but more likely, she's using it
to get a head start on her post-you life. Beep Beep
- Bye Bye.
13. He used to be a
three-blue-shirts-and-four-pair-of-Chinos kind of
guy, and suddenly he's obsessed with Armani.
According to Attorney Mel Frumkes, a person who is
about to leave (or is cheating) will take greater
care with his appearance - updating his wardrobe,
losing weight, working out and even changing
cologne. If your sweetie looks like he just finished
taping an episode of "A Makeover Story" - Those
Chinos might not be the only dud he's looking to
Want to know when you're most likely to get the axe?
Most experts agree it's somewhere in the
neighborhood of the first 3-5 months. So, stock up
on tissues and Ben & Jerry's if you're heading into
the danger zone.
Only time (and his shoes) will tell.
Lisa Daily is the author of Stop Getting Dumped!
All you need to know to make men fall madly in love
with you and marry "The One" in 3 years or less.
At bookstores everywhere.