I Am That I
by Victor Daniel and Elizabeth Zaborowska
One of the most challenging things for
all of humankind to realize is that we are all
one. We are all connected and made up of the
same stuff. It sounds cliche, but in truth
this is how it really is. Scientists are now
discovering that the same elements that are
found in us are found in trees, mountains,
oceans, etc. We often point our fingers at one
side and say, "that's the bad guy", or "she's
greedy or mean", and so forth.
When in fact, we have all chosen to experience
different states of being in our past, i.e.
happiness, sadness, gladness, badness,
madness, etc. I believe there is not a single
one of us that has never thought of a
committing crime, hurting someone, stealing,
or committing suicide. Whether or not we chose
to act on these thoughts is another story. But
in fact, all states of being are temporary and
temporal. We do not have to be envious,
fearful, angry or sad all of our lives. These
are, by the way, perfectly natural emotional
states. There is nothing wrong with expressing
these feelings. They help us to push out and
express what we are feeling, but that doesn't
mean we have to feel them forever. They can be
viewed as a release valve.
have direct control over which state of being
we choose to experience next. Simply by
saying, "I am happy and feeling happiness, or
I am sad and feeling sadness or I am happy and
sad and feeling them simultaneously. We are
all states of being, all at once, just making
a conscious decision which ones we choose to
experience next. Try to think in terms of
being composed of everything all at once. It's
like having a tremendous wardrobe, and
choosing which outfit you want to wear next.
The fact is, we live within the realm of
relativity where two exact opposite truths can
occupy the same space at the same time. This
is both the beauty and the wonder of life.
It's challenging to understand and integrate
if you're thinking of things in terms of right
or wrong, this or that, up or down. This is
duality thinking and will not serve your
greater good until you can exalt your thinking
to a level where you realize that a thing
could be both good and bad, here and there,
cold and hot. Shift your thinking pattern from
a polarized mode of thinking to unity mode of
Picture yourself as a whole white circle and
this circle contains everything. It has the
ability to create anything. Anything that it
chooses to create, then shows up as black. A
black smaller circle placed in a larger white
circle. This black circle acts as a point of
reference where a comparison can be made to
the whole. This black circle will continue to
exist as long as there is a constant supply of
attention flowing to it from the larger white
circle. When the larger white circle
consciously chooses to stop supplying
attention to its creation, the smaller black
circle will then cease to exist. It would then
stop being created and fade back into the
larger white circle. Think about that time
when you have paid no mind to that headache
and it just went away. Or the time when you
were just too busy to be sick. This is both
the liberty and power of a creative being. It
needs to create a reference point inside of
itself in order to know itself as something in
particular. Remember this, your focus creates
your reality! We humans have the capacity to
create anything we chose, simply by believing
it is possible and by supplying enough
attention to it. Remember the formula for
Having a great intention is one thing, but
supplying an ample amount of attention in
order for it to create is another.

All physical manifestations were once an idea
existing in a non-physical realm. Invested
with enough passion and attention the
nonphysical manifested into the physical. So,
the next time you have a great idea, run with
it! Make sure you place all of you attention
and love on it until it creates.
Now think of the universe as a bigger white
circle and we humans as smaller white circles
inside the bigger white circle with spaces of
blackness in between us. This blackness is
very important in order for the whiteness (we
humans) to exist. The larger white circle
still nonetheless creates the blackness.
Consider it a favor from the heavens. White
and Black, Yin and Yang, Matter and
Anti-Matter, the concept of duality is
essential for our existence. The challenge
here is understanding that we are all of it.
There is this little veil over our heads
making us forget that we are all connected,
all made up of the same stuff, all ONE. This
veil of forgetfulness over our heads prevents
us from knowing at all times the macrocosmic
truth that we are all one.
This is called separation consciousness and is
vital in order for us to distinguish ourselves
from one another. But we can know and live
within the higher truth, we are all of it.
This veil is necessary to play the great game
of life. This divine dichotomy commonly
confuses most people. We seem to think that we
are one energy but not the other, i.e.
generous but not greedy, loud but not quiet,
skinny but not fat, happy but not sad,
powerful but not powerless. It simultaneously
is the convergence of contradictions. We truly
are all of these polarities simultaneously but
we choose to express one and not the other or
a little bit more of this and a little bit
less of that. Now think about standing in the
middle of all these polarities, not holding
onto a particular point of view. This is
living in a state of non-judgment, or in other
words unconditional love. This is a state we
can BE, at anytime, simply by releasing all
judgment and not taking any particular point
of view.
Remember this, no one does anything
inappropriate given their model of the world.
Everyone thinks they are doing the right thing
at the appropriate time. For example, world
leaders all believe they are doing the most
suitable thing for their countries desires.
Other world leaders with different desires and
motives may not feel the same way. Who's right
and who's wrong, no one truly knows, given
each individuals viewpoint. Another example,
two lovers in a relationship quarrel, one
wants to go out with their friends and the
other one wants the lover to go out to dinner
alone together. Who's right and who's wrong,
no one knows?truly given their viewpoints.
Another one; a woman who is a prostitute in
New York City and a woman who is a prostitute
in Las Vegas. Who's right and who's wrong, the
NY city law states it's illegal while Las
Vegas law states that it's perfectly legal. It
all depends on your viewpoint and your place
in space. Something might be perfectly legal
in one area i.e. marijuana, the death penalty
or pollution and totally illegal in another.
Some actions may be totally legal at one time
in history, i.e. burning people at the stake
and totally unheard of at another. Everything
is objective phenomenon and the labels we
place on these people, places, events and
actions determine our truth, our point of
view. Nothing is bad or good in and of itself.
Everything is really nothing until we place
our own attention upon it.
We also live in the illusion of time where we
believe that past, present and future exist
separately from one another. Einstein
disproved this belief some time ago with his
theory of relativity. Still to this day it's
very hard for most of us to conceptualize and
or even practicalize this theory in our minds.
Everything is happening right now. Our
inability to see this clearly helps us to know
ourselves as individuals. This is a great
mystery that we must live with, in order to
play this great game called life. (Note, we
must live within this paradigm in order to
function independently from one another.) This
is divine dichotomy. Picture yourself totally
knowing your past, present and future all at
once. You would not be able to distinguish
yourself as a viable something. We would be
living in a vacuum, a void in which we could
not exist as individuals.
The beauty about living within this paradigm
is that we can consciously create our future
simply by knowing that it's all happening now.
We do this by simply putting our attention on
a particular state of being for extended
lengths of time. Some might call this constant
conscious prayer. Since it's all happening
now, that is what your future you is now
experiencing. This is what will be brought
forth into your reality.
This is called conscious evolution and our
society is now integrating this knowledge into
its consciousness. This is a major step in our
society's evolution. This means we can
consciously dictate the events of our future.
This is a switch over from a reactive state of
living to a proactive state of living. This
means that things are not happening to us but
in fact we are creating these experiences and
they are being drawn into our reality. This is
a major responsibility enhancement, a reality
check for those who play the blame game. This
can be viewed as the most enlightening and
liberating information that has come to be
So why judge a state of being someone else is
consciously or unconsciously creating? Maybe
because it might differ from your truth? Maybe
because it might compromise your truth? Maybe
because it might make you reconsider your
truth? So what if everybody had to believe
what you believe, what kind of free will would
people have? How about if the tides were
turned? If you had to adopt a belief that
someone else had, how would you feel? A little
confined? A little limited? Think about that
the next time you judge another. This is the
golden rule exemplified; do unto others, as
you would have them do unto you. A great way
to exemplify this concept is to see others as
an extension of yourself. Would you hurt the
other in anyway if you knew that the other was
directly connected to you? Would you chop off
one of your arms if you believed it was
getting in your way. So the next time you come
in contact with any other part of life, see it
as an extension of you. Remember this and
understand it fully, THE WORLD IS A REFLECTION
Here is a little excerpt from Harry Palmer:
When you adopt the viewpoint
That there is nothing that exists
That is not a part of you,
That there is no one who exists
Who is not a part of you, that any judgment is
That any criticism you level is
You will wisely extend to yourself
An unconditional love
That will be the light of your world

"I Am
That I Am" by Victor Daniel and Elizabeth
Zaborowska Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006.