Hello David,
I want to start
by thanking you for your work. Once in a great
while, someone comes along that truly wants to help
others succeed, and puts in the effort to the research
and testing, and makes something great for others. You
are one of those people, and I'm glad to see you
succeed by helping so many others do the same. I
was reaching to find answers, like a lot of us were,
and found your material. It has been awesome. In the
last week, I saw the most attractive woman I perhaps
ever have. She was a 9.5 on my scale, which is truly
rare to find for me. Not just in looks, but a great
personality. Instead of giving in to my normal
habits, I applied the methods you taught. We went out
to a club, and had a great time. I had another friend
of mine there, and I used him as a means to partially
ignore her at times, constantly making jokes that were
just too quiet for her to hear, and looking at her and
smiling when doing it. She constantly wanted to know
what was funny, yet she wasn't mad, just shyly
curious. I was aloof, yet not terribly too distant
from her.
I would wander off by myself, knowing she was with my
friend, and leave them hanging alone for a little
while now and then. (I knew my friend wasn't going to
hit on her). I would go up to other girls and whisper
something in their ear right in front of her, to give
her the idea that I was completely comfortable in my
own skin with women. Once, on my way back from the
dance floor, I found her with some other guy. I
flashed a sly little smile, but kept on walking right
by, as if to imply "You have a good time there. I
could care less. As a matter of fact, you look a tad
pathetic coming on to him." She soon returned and said
that I had been gone too long, and some guy had
"dragged her away from me". That night, I had resisted
the urge to act like anything but the kind of man you
would teach someone to be. All urges at wussness were
disregarded, and I played the part to a tee. Even
though it didn't entirely feel normal or comfortable
at first, I could see that it was definitely working,
so I kept it up. I would occasionally catch her
staring at me from the corner of my eye, sometimes for
2 or 3 seconds. I didn't react, but just kept saying
to myself "Damn. David has been right the whole time".
I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling...
this was something I had never achieved before. I
don't mean sex with a woman soon after I met her, but
the fact that she was so damn gorgeous. At the risk of
sounding a little chauvinistic, she was the best girl
I have ever had. Well, over the next two weeks or so,
I kept coming over and doing things during the days
with her and staying at night. This is when things
began to change.
You had a timeless question from a guy once who said
something like "After I sleep with a woman why do I
feel like hating her?" Well, I normally feel the same.
But with this girl, it was different. I wanted to keep
her. But, the more time we spent together, the more we
started to both feel like whatever I sparked was
fading quick. I could see the thrill of our initial
meeting was dying, and I wanted to add to my image in
her mind the idea that I could be a part of her daily
life too, not just the nighttime party one. I
felt like I had to show her something that proved I
didn't just want her for sex. I knew I couldn't let
her interpret it as me buying her attention or body,
although I'm afraid that may have been exactly what I
did. I ended up purchasing her and her roomate a full
stock of groceries, which they definitely needed. It
gave me some kind of a sense that I had shown that I
was more than just a sex buddy, which really felt good
to me. However, lately she has pulled away. We
will still go out and have a good time, but more like
friends, with only a little flirting. She now
refuses sex, saying "it would complicate things." By
the way, although she has been in long-term
relationships since she was 16, she currently isn't,
and seems to be enjoying the party life a lot. She is
22 now. I know you said in your audio series that it
is a mistake to try to tie down a party girl, but she
told me of her long-term history with guys, and that's
why I tried. Did I screw up by getting too close too
fast? Was it unrealistic for me to show that kind of
attention to her needs that quick or at all? How
many times should a guy see a girl each week if he
wants to keep up the attraction and have a great time,
but not become too familiar to her?
Thanks man.
Confused, -J

Oh, I feel your
pain. I'm sure that just about every man alive
can identify with this story in one way or another...
even if it doesn't involve a woman that you'd describe
as a "9.5".
So, let's talk
about the situation you're in, what happened at first,
and what to do now... First of all, congratulations on
the fact that you were able to make this kind of
success happen in the first place! You're doing
great, and I know how good it feels to have this kind
of success with a really attractive woman. It
sounds like you're really starting to "get it" at a
deep level. The more you continue to study the
materials you have (especially the CD Series) the more
you'll understand how to attract these UNUSUALLY
attractive women... and more importantly, KEEP THEM
Let's review a
few of my main concepts, and how they apply to this
differently, a woman doesn't CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to
feel attracted to a man. A woman also doesn't
consciously choose to STOP her attraction for a man.
It happens for reasons that seem very illogical to
most men. The things you were doing when you
first met this girl were EXACTLY the right things for
creating this wonderful feeling of ATTRACTION inside
of her. And she obviously enjoyed it
tremendously. You mentioned that you didn't feel
totally comfortable at first, but since it was obvious
that she was becoming more and more interested in you,
you kept going... which led to you getting together
with her. But, remember the flip side: If you
start doing the WRONG things, the woman will LOSE her
ATTRACTION for you as well. And it will happen ALL BY
ITSELF. The worst part is that you can't logically
convince her to keep feeling attracted to you. If you
screw it up, you're probably going to screw it up to a
point that is almost impossible to fix.
What do most
guys do as soon as they meet a REALLY HOT,
ultra-attractive woman? Of course! They call three
times a day, and want to see her all the time.
Attractive women know better than to do this.
When an attractive woman meets a man she likes, she
usually PLAYS HARD TO GET. Instead of calling, she
acts like she's BUSY. This makes the man try
even harder, and pursue her even more... It sounds
like you did exactly the opposite.
In your email
here you say: "Well, over the next two weeks or so, I
kept coming over and doing things during the days with
her and staying at night. This is when things began to
change..." No no no! Over the next two weeks you
should have called her every few days, and seen her
maybe three times for a few hours each. No
"doing things during the days with her and staying at
night"! You really need to remember to GIVE HER
THE GIFT OF MISSING YOU! If you're around all the
time, you become predictable, expected, and
uninteresting. On the other hand, if you're
mysterious, challenging, and hard to pin down, she
will think about you and miss the times she's had with
This is one of
the biggest mistakes that men make when they meet a
woman that they REALLY like. I get a lot of
emails from guys saying "I met this girl, and I used
everything I've learned from Double Your Dating to get
her... but now that we've been seeing each other for
awhile things are changing, and I'm starting to lose
control of how I act... and I'm turning into my old
Wussy self..." As I'm sure you can guess, this
is bad bad bad for attraction. When you start
out by doing things that are attractive to her, then
gradually turn into a WUSS BAG, you go from her
wildest dream to her worst nightmare right in front of
her eyes. If you figure out how to make a woman
Don't start
being a clingy Wuss. Translation: Don't spend every
day and night with her, don't buy her groceries, and
don't try to get her into a relationship fifteen
minutes after you meet her. You also mentioned a
few little words that stood out for me: "I kept coming
over...". YOU kept coming over. When you're the
one coming to her, then she's the one in control.
Think about it. This is a small point, and it isn't
always the case, but in this situation it makes a
difference. So, what should you do now?
You should give her some space. Don't call her more
than once or twice a week, and don't see her more than
once or twice a week for awhile. Don't pressure her
physically, and don't try to push for a relationship.
WOMEN! Get out there and go out with some other
women... and when you talk to her don't hide the fact
that you're doing it. Be casual about it, but feel
free to mention it in conversation once or twice. -
GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE. Don't get hung up, don't
obsess about her, and don't make it important to "win
her back". Just move on. This combination will
give you the greatest chance of winning her back...
And the next time you meet a beautiful woman that has
an interesting personality, DON'T TURN INTO A
a great job getting this far. Now get back in there
and take this to the next level! And if you're reading
this right now and thinking to yourself "I need to
learn this stuff so I can meet beautiful women like
this guy...", then we have to talk. One of the most
important insights I've gotten from learning the
secrets of how to attract women is very interesting...
I've realized that if a man doesn't know how to
attract women, it spills over into all other areas of
his life. It's a very special kind of insecurity that
causes a lot of problems in other areas as well.
Let's face it. Just about everything that men do
to achieve material success in life is somehow
connected to ATTRACTING WOMEN.
But guess what?
Material success won't make the INSECURITY and the
FEAR go away! The only thing that WILL make it
go away is actually LEARNING how to attract women.
I know, because I've been there. I can CLEARLY
remember how different I felt inside when I had no
idea how to meet women... and I know how different it
feels now that I do. My relationships work
better, because I'm not acting AFRAID... afraid that
she's going to leave, afraid I won't be able to find
someone else... etc. And when I'm single, I'm
happy. I don't constantly worry anymore, not knowing
if I'll ever meet another woman. I personally
think that taking the time to learn how to make women
feel ATTRACTION is one of the best investments you
will ever make in yourself and your life, period.
It might be THE best investment. If you'd like
to get the best training available in the WORLD, then
you need to get yourself a copy of my Advanced Dating
Techniques CD/DVD Program.
It's a complete
education, from the psychology of how to overcome fear
and improve your self image, all the way to specific
techniques for approaching, meeting, and dating
women... and even how to take things to a "physical
level" without rejection. I absolutely guarantee
that this program will change your success with women.
I'll talk to you
again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
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