Why am I the last virgin standing on my campus? Why can't I
hook up like all the other guys? Why do I smell like cheese?
You are not alone, my loveless friend. When I speak at schools, I
discover at least two male virgins in every lecture I give. That's
cool. But how does a guy go about getting rid of his virginity if he
actually wants to and with a hot woman, no less?
Mike is one of these guys. He's an 18-year old freshman at William
Patterson University and a communications major. As you can see,
he's not ugly or weird. He's just not getting what he wants. "My
biggest problem with girls is the fear of rejection, " he says. "I
had to live with this during high school, and it's still a problem.
I always get turned down." I can get guys like Mike to the Promised
Land, but it takes time and, more importantly, confidence. My first
goal with Mike is to teach him to walk tall. With confidence, I
guaranteed he would meet a girl in one week. Let's see if I'm good!
Day 1 Assignment: Smile at girls as you pass by.
This slows down the mind and avoids any fear of "conversation"
(that's for later!). Hey, Dave. I noticed a lot of girls are
actually quite friendly. When I smiled at them, they actually smiled
back. This was fun and pretty easy!
Day 2: Keep up the smile but add a "Hello" into the
mix. I passed girls on campus today and smiled and said hello. They
actually smiled and said hello back! If this is easy, actual
conversation has to be easier.
Day 3: Closely observe the Girls You Like. This is
opening-line ammo! I observed several girls. One of them was wearing
a white long-sleeve T-shirt, jeans and brown boots and a yellow
Yankees cap, and she had all her books in a huge Louis Vuitton bag.
Another girl had an interesting necklace with something resembling a
"@" symbol, and a girl in my English class has a Motorola phone that
you can use as a walkie-talkie.
Day 4: Start flirting! Go up to every girl and
observe something about them and then start some verbal batting
practice. I had a small conversation with this one girl at the movie
theater I work at. I just said "nice slippers" and we started
talking about why women wear socks and sandals together. Kind of
fun. I also had a short conversation with this girl in my music
class. Her name's Andrea; she's an art/photography major and seems
Day 5: Get some digits! You're going to love this.
At this Calvin Klein outlet, there was this one really smoking girl
named Veronica. She was wearing these really interesting earrings,
and had about the deepest blue eyes I'd ever seen. So I was talking
to her about her earrings, and finally she offers up this: "Here's
my employee number. I get 45 percent off everything in the store.
Just mention me when you go to the register." She also gave me her
IM address!
RESULTS: Five days, three dances, an IM exchange
with an older (drinking-age) girl AND a nearly half-off discount at
a name-brand store. Is it sex? No. Is it a really good start? You
By David Wygant
Dating Coach

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