This month is quite complex, with five planets in mystical Pisces as it begins, the intensity of two eclipses, and the simultaneous retrogrades of two inner planets, Mercury and Venus, during its second half. Beginning under the aegis of the PiscesNew Moon from the closing days of the previous February month, with also Neptune in close conjunction to the North Node on the very edge of the Aries sign and Jupiter in Gemini featured, March has quite a lot going on from its very start. Venus retrogrades in Aries, thus in her detriment, while Mars, now direct, is also in his fall in Cancer, so that both these personal planets are not at their best, while, additionally, the retrograde of Venus brings all our relationships into introspective questioning of how we are handling them, hidden gotchas, and ultimate motivation. The enhancement of true life purpose for all parties is our goal. In the current lunation cycle’s First Quarter Moon, on the 6th, Jupiter in Gemini is also featured, giving – in spite of these warning indications – an optimistic and communicative focus to the month’s second weekend.
The Full Moon and total lunar eclipse in Virgo takes place late evening of the 13th, PT, near midnight, and therefore in the early morning hours of the 14th for time zones further east, and during early daylight hours that day for Europe and points beyond. This is a significant lunation, being an eclipse, and with a stacked Aries sign including five planets counting Neptune, on its edge, in the closest degree to Aries, 29° Pisces. Venus already in retrograde in Aries, from March 1st, is matched by Mercury there as well, about to station and reverse direction, creating the beginning of the March Mercury Retrograde period that lasts into April. Chiron at 21° of Aries is conjunct Eris at 24° making up the total. The Sun and Moon also aspect both Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus, plus Chiron/ Eris, making for quite a potent configuration. We would want to say it involves contraction, restriction or limits, and dedication (Saturn) along with surprises and surprise enlightenment from intuitional sources (Uranus) and the acknowledgment of inner wounding that includes a dedication for exploring that (Chiron with Eris).
Mercury retrogrades at 9° of Aries, 24 hours later, and subsequently follows Venus in backward motion, Venus beginning at 7°, through to the first degree of Aries, and then into late Pisces by the very end of the month. The two signs therefore that are featured (along with Virgo, the sign of the Full Moon) are Pisces and Aries. Any planets in your natal chart in these signs, especially in early Aries or late Pisces, is getting an unexpected make-over through this somewhat difficult month with its double inner planet retrogrades, quite unusual.
As March comes to a close, on the 29th we experience the second of its two eclipses, this time a solar eclipse at 9° of Aries, thus a New Moon that will initiate a somewhat contentious thirty-day lunation cycle lasting almost all of April. To mention a few details here, we have Mars, ruler of this eclipse and of the Aries sign, square Chiron, and trine Saturn, and we have the Sun and Moon closely opposed to new 21st century planet Makemake, plus Mercury conjunct Neptune near the first degree of Aries, trine Pluto and highlighting the Pluto- Haumea square that remains quite close and that presages issues of lies and unrighteous behavior being exposed. That Makemake is highlighted signals a form of dedication for taking an active stance toward social and environmental issues that seem to matter.
The last extraordinary date to mention for this March month would be the entrance of Neptune, ruler of Pisces, into Aries, which takes place in the early morning hours of March 30th, just after the AriesNew Moon eclipse the day before. The orbital period of Neptune being 165 years, the last Aries ingress of Neptune occurred in the 1800s, in fact in 1855 on the eve of the Civil War. When we look at America today, we might be struck by the coincidence. The consequences of this change of sign are nearly as dramatic as the Pluto ingress into Aquarius, especially since mystical Neptune is not particularly at home in practical and physical Aries. Time will tell what is to transpire over these next few years, as Neptune settles in. No matter how you slice it, there is likely to be some sort of focus on the mystical or the dimensions beyond the 3D physical plane, what we perhaps laughingly call “reality.” There is also a connection to deception, fantasy, and dreamworlds that should prove fascinating. The fact that Saturn will eventually join Neptune in the Aries sign – by late May – is also relevant, as this combination is sometimes referenced as “the unmasking of deception.”
Taken all in all, this March month, while potentially contentious, is quite exciting, and will be useful for self-exploration on many levels. It helps to keep faith, as we can manage it, for the universe to have our back. We know on some level that everything happens for a reason, although often a mysterious one to our simply human mind, and this faith may be our guiding light to hang on, amidst the madness, for things to eventually begin to shape up in ways more in keeping with our more favored idea of cultural progress. Blessed be!
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The Capricorn New Moon arrives on December 30th, 2024, at 2:27 PM PT, urging us to take a grounded, practical approach to our lives, and bring our awareness to the preciousness of our time and energy. With both the Sun and Moon conjunct at 9º 44' Capricorn, this lunation brings a focus on Capricorn’s qualities of steadiness in contrast to the frayed... Continue Reading
The Full Moon in Gemini graces our skies on December 15, 2024, at 1:02 AM PST, later morning for the east coast and Europe, illuminating the final weeks of the year with a burst of mental energy, emotional intensity, and complex power dynamics. The Moon is located at 23º 53' Gemini, opposite the Sun in the same degree of Sagittarius, thus sextile and trine... Continue Reading
The November 30th – December 1st New Moon takes place in Sagittarius at 10:21PM PST on the 30th, which is early morning on December 1st for CST, EST, and points east. Most notably amongst its attributes is the retrograde and the pending retrograde of Mercury and of Mars, which signal an unusual amount of inward looking. Mercury has been retrograde since... Continue Reading
Friday’s Full Moon, occurring at about 1:30 PM PST, later afternoon and evening for points east, is an exciting lunation mostly due to aspects made by the Sun and Moon to outer planets. The Taurus Moon, at 24°, is within one degree of a conjunction to Trickster Uranus, at 25°, which could symbolize unexpected events and startling revelations over the... Continue Reading
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This rather intense year just will not seem to let up, Aries, not yet anyway, as we enter into another wild and crazy month for you. The recent PiscesNew Moon that started the March lunation cycle took place just before the month began, therefore colors most of March. Nearly simultaneous with the current month’s first day, Venus – your relationship sector ruler and in your sign – stations to retrograde motion at the 10° mark, with Mercury the tiny trickster getting ready to do likewise on March 14th within two degrees of retrograding Venus, so that both inner planets are moving toward the very beginning of your sign, chasing each other. You have just gone through the introspective turn of Mars moving backward square to your sign, in Cancer; now you have the other two inner planets moving backward in Aries and only leaving for the Pisces borderland on the 27th (Venus) and the 29th ( Mercury). All through there is introspection, one surprise event after another, inner focus, and intuitional revelation, as well as a healthy optimism in your communicative outreach that could serve you well as you tumble though this somewhat chaotic month. The VirgoFull Moon eclipse of the 13th, just as Mercury is stationing to retrograde motion, marks a dynamic timing when you will connect to deeper places within your psyche and when an internal slowdown gives you pause and as well, lessons, countering your remaining traces of pure optimism.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As we enter March, we find ourselves in the window of the PiscesNew Moon from February 27th. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around unconscious healing and of delving into the mysteries of your inner world, with the cathartic nature of endings highlighted, along with new beginnings. In the four weeks ahead, it may benefit you to let go of the wheel, allowing your dreams, transitions and acceptance to flow. It is also possible that internal wounding will come up, the result of undigested residue of early childhood trauma; and, if so, this too could be for the ultimate purpose of greater healing.
On the 1st, Venus stations retrograde in your sign, with the Moon, also in Aries, close by. You are led into a process of re-evaluation that’s personal, with attention on your very sense of your own identity and what you mean to others. Your partnership dynamic could be coming up, and you might find you’re evaluating your worth, even amidst the flux around relationships, since Venus governs your earned income and also connection to important partners. You win to the extent that you are willing to go back to basics, patiently taking it step by step.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, so answers to its guide Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time. Communications, thought processes and your ability to connect could be tested or thrown off completely. Plans to develop your voice, writing, language or navigational skills might encounter set-backs. Perhaps you’ll forget an important memo, email, message or get-together. It might be wise to be attentive to important engagements at this time.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately aspects transformational Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. Playing host in your sign to the communication planet could be favorable for your mental faculties, and for greater consciousness regarding changes that you may be feeling in your social realms and regarding your goals. Perhaps you’ll gain ideas by discussing topics that affect your network, volunteering thoughts on human issues and your community. You might be cognizant of what’s spoken about, because of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde that begins on the 14th. You could benefit by taking note of conversational points or your agenda.
On the 6th, the First Quarter GeminiMoon guides you toward local environments, neighborly rapport and teaching. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, sense real growth and progress made in your surroundings, finding similarities and commonality with those encountered. There’s likely more to learn from interactions with people and the places in your vicinity.
By Friday the 7th the mood has shifted, as the Moon moves through its domicile sign, Cancer, and the PiscesSun makes a harmonious trine to your ruler Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. After some intense soul searching this day may produce an assuring, heartening tone, bringing signs of resolution around issues concerning domesticity, family, caretaking, and your place at home.
From the 10th to the 12th,sees Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another day to pay attention to encounters, your thoughts, writing projects, character and role.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, and your service-oriented house of work, health and wellness. Remind yourself of general productivity, tackling mundane tasks and daily loads. It may be apparent your overarching focus has been elsewhere, so this moment could reveal some helpful efficiencies and considerations. With the Sun conjunct Saturn and nicely aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon, you might be heartened to note the changes made around your role and financial position have been warranted.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your autonomous sector of identity and personal life. It may benefit you to retrace your steps, reviewing, reassessing or revisiting plans concerning your self-expression, your connection to others and what’s profitable or practical.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with Spring Equinox, a shift that encourages you to enjoy life, showcasing your vitality, presence and independent side. Put your happiness first, even if you’re attempting to figure out the details of what it is you really want.
At this juncture, Venus arrives in an easy sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (though in direct motion). Then, between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your first house, all finding harmony with Pluto in an easy sextile. h, you may be aware of attention on you, your message, your passions, your values and creative ideas, and who you are as your authentic self. You may sense support from friends, your team or online audiences, so make note of any significant position you have within your peer group.
On the 27th Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune (followed by Mercury on the 29th), which could prompt you to revisit themes of selflessness, escapism, regeneration, recovery and retreat.
Then, on the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for a partial solar eclipse and AriesNew Moon answering to Mars, still in Cancer. Just over 24-hours later (on the 30th), Neptune enters your sign. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you might see this truly as a time of rebirth, therefore leverage March to know yourself better, preparing for Neptune’s entry into your sign!
This month is an amazing one for introspection and looking to the inside, Taurus, as indicated by the retrograde of your ruler, Venus, right from the 1st. This Venus retrograde lasts all through March and into the first half of April, and initially takes place in Aries, or your sector of unconscious process and inner work. You are getting a very definite journey to the inner reaches of your psyche, which can nevertheless be quite productive when you can contrive to get out of your own way and let the universe flow through you. Mercury is retrograde as well this month, and also in the sign of Aries. The New Moon in Pisces from the last days of February governs the current monthly cycle, and is indicative, for you, of life goals and social connection, and yet with so much of this retrograde meditative impulse to contend with, might best be thought of as when following the Tao, allowing your intuition to take over rather than your planning mind. The lunar eclipse of late evening March 13th also sponsors intuition, with Uranus in your sign again featured, and with also the strong embrace of your unconscious process implied by five planets in this sector counting Neptune hovering on its edge. The solar eclipse ending the month, on the 30th, takes place in Aries with these same planets still lined up there. From your inner life all else flows.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As we enter March, we find ourselves in the window of the PiscesNew Moon from February 27th. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around your community, and life goals, with people that wish you well featuring. In the four weeks ahead, it could benefit you to engage with on or offline social spheres and your wider circle, perhaps because of your job, family ties or experiences overseas. There is a studied optimism that you inhabit this month as you look ahead to a more integrated future.
On the 1st, your chart ruler Venus stations retrograde in Aries and your twelfth house of dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work, with the Moon close by. With your ruler moving backward now in your healing house of the unconscious as well as secrets and hidden motives, you might amplify a transformation that’s underway – a soul-searching mission that’s incredibly personal and somewhat hidden from your conscious gaze. Note that you might become confused or conflicted about how to move forward, as you almost consciously refashion your identity and sense of self, along with the resources you will need to marshal for success.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is located in Gemini, so answers to its guide Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time. h, you may find involvements with a team or your peers impacts a practical plan. Friends and money might not mix, or getting things done in a group could be extra challenging. It might serve you to be clear and concise about your intentions, what you want to do, acquire or secure.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes harmonious ties to Pluto in Aquarius on the 3rd and 4th, in your ambitious zone of vocation and public image. The Moon in your sign these two days is also significant, and your feelings will be uppermost in your personal world and for others to experience. You might become more conscious of the transformative impact on career and profession that has been underway over these past several months, and it may benefit you to reflect on your role there in private, attempting to better understand these changes, and how they factor in with your goals and aspirations.
Then, on the 6th, the First Quarter GeminiMoon prompts you to connect to your position and what you do to contribute, be it in financial or more intangible terms. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter in this configuration, a sense of real growth and progress might be made around your valuable input, along with added momentum in ways you build or make a living. The PiscesSun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. This lunation can represent conflict and yet may also breed confidence in social networks and indicate a way forward with close ties in your environment. You may notice that you have improved your relations, communication skills, and overcome challenging interpersonal dynamics with your neighbors.
From the 10th to the 12th, you find Mercury (still in direct motion) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, which brings even greater conscious understanding to interior matters. While you needn’t go it entirely alone, it is perhaps a favorable time to step back to fulfil certain obligations independently.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, or your fifth house of joy, creative inspiration, fertility, and personal gratification. Remind yourself of who and what you love. It may be apparent your overarching focus has been on collective interests – ensuring others happiness. This moment could reveal what’s been missing for you. With the Sun conjunct Saturn and in aspect to Uranus in your sign during this Full Moon, the unexpected competes with the normalized order of things for you, along with their inherent restrictions. A deeply personal sense of intuition might be able to overcome common sense for a greater sense of mystical process. You might be made more sure of changes around your purpose and identity, and of an important connection to society, a social scene, religious groups, or good cause.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your sector of unconscious process, endings, catharsis, and rebirth. This is thus an entirely introspective period of time, from now until the end of the March month, and on into April. You are looking to the inside and might consider ways you could invest time for your healing, mental health, or even a make-over to your conscious understanding. Private spaces or alternative settings may facilitate practical objectives, since these planets guide your personal identity, finances, health, work environment, and regular duties. It might benefit you to temporarily escape your usual routine or workload, devoting yourself to a transitionary process. You might also take a spiritual approach to money, your wellbeing and values, or find you’re moved to be charitable.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (spring that is in the Northern Hemisphere) providing a shift encouraging you to fully surrender to what’s underway, perhaps focusing on nourishing yourself and those under your care. With the retrogrades of both Mercury and Venus highlighted, there remains an aura of introspection and second guessing, which for you involves unconscious process and inner work. You may feel a sense of isolation with several planets tucked away from the more active areas of your solar chart in this telling configuration, and you could yet take comfort in the knowledge that all this looking within yourself might be beneficial in the long run, productive of greater integration in a future stage.
At this juncture, also, Venus in retrograde arrives in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (then in direct motion). Then,
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all three in your introspective twelfth house, and finding connection with Pluto in a sextile. You may come to even more conscious awareness of what it is you’re working on behind the scenes, and how this serves your long-term goals, ambitions and aspirations. Your public profile could require some sacrifices, in its long-term transformation of values, for example due to being a parent, spouse, business partner, or successful figure.
The 27th sees Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune, which could feel a bit nebulous and spacey and yet infuse you with a renewed sense of the mystical, or prompt you to revisit your place among friends and groups you favor. There could be unfinished business in a group setting or among your network of peers.
On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for a partial solar eclipse and AriesNew Moon, then just over 24-hours later (on the 30th), Neptune enters Aries. You might feel this shift as a spiritual recommitment or see it as an opportunity to retreat with close friends, community or those in your environment, in what could be an important moment of closure.
This is quite an interesting and introspective month for you, Gemini, and one in which the issues of your career and professional life are emphasized, along with a distinctively inner oriented second half in which both Venus and your ruler, Mercury, are both in retrograde motion through your sector of group affiliation, friendships and life goals. All these areas will be seen from a different and more interior perspective. One of the planetary objects gathered in the stellium occupying your social sector as the month begins is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, so that it is possible that over the course of this powerful and complex monthly cycle inner wounding will come up. If so, the recipe there is to pay loving attention to these hurt places within you, indicated by feelings of lack or not good enough, neither fully giving in to these sore spots and also not looking away, either. Acceptance is key. The Virgo lunar eclipse of the 13th emphasizes deep intuition and is followed the next day by Mercury’s retrograde lasting into the fourth week of April counting its post-retrograde shadow. For these six weeks you may find yourself re-thinking your goals and the basis of friendship or group associations with an eye for better integration as you slowly evolve into your next developmental phase.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter this current month, you find yourself in the cycle of the PiscesNew Moon from two days before the end of the previous month. This sets you up as March begins in the early days of a thirty-day stretch of new awareness centered around your vocational life, ambitions, and your pathway forward. Your personal or professional mission could be highlighted in the four weeks ahead, and it could benefit you to set firm goals for yourself now considering your public image and aspirations, before Mercury, your ruler, turns retrograde mid-month. Jupiter is highlighted in the PiscesNew Moon, giving you a boost of confidence that lasts all month, although it can turn on a dime to over-confidence; and yet this connection is generally a Good Thing.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in your zone of friendship and community, with the Moon in Aries close by. h you might find you’re aware of a supportive role you’re playing among your peers, with the potential for important realizations about what it takes for you to be a part-of your social scene. You could find you’re evaluating the talents you might showcase to an audience or your group, or what you give freely, since Venus governs, for you, creative self-expression, selfless acts of charity work, and what gives you joy.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in your sign, so answers to its guide Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time. h, you might identify with your career or a public matter, yet this could hamper progress you’re making elsewhere. You might be thinking of the future, making it difficult to stay present with the gifts of today
Your chart ruler Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes a strong connection to Pluto in Aquarius. This brings greater attention on your part to ongoing changes in beliefs and worldview or perhaps educational or foreign travel initiatives. This shift could be favorable for you, with friendly rapport in a group setting and blue sky thinking in the air. Perhaps you’ll find yourself discussing lofty topics such as philosophies in a social setting, allowing you to get a big-picture viewpoint and admire different outlooks on life. You may benefit from tuning in to cultural differences and perspectives discussed within your circle or pay renewed attention to your societal contribution and its rewards.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in your sign guides you to nurture yourself with what you need. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, ruling your opposite sign, you might sense real growth and progress made in your personal life and in regard to a significant other. There’s more to discover about yourself and who you are in unions and relationships, yet this timing could also be extra special for recognizing your own attributes. The PiscesSun is additionally in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. This lunation may bring signs of resolution around personal security and finances, your role and title. You might find comfort in your assets and earning potential, and in letting your reputation speak for itself.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (still in direct motion) conjuncts Venus (retrograde) in Aries, so that these few days you may pay attention to your position and identity in your network, organization, or social setting. You might be cognizant of your creative output or project status and what’s spoken about your societal contribution. Because Mercury’s upcoming retrograde begins in just a few days, things are shifting for you in these areas. You could benefit by taking note of discussion points and agendas in any team you are part of, as these may be revisited later on.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th, depending on location, is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, your sector of home, family, and your psychological roots. With the Sun still in your vocational sector, and conjunct Saturn, his lunation thus highlights the contrast between public and private, home and career, and focuses attention of constraints or restrictions that you have to live with in both environments. You might want to remind yourself of where you’re from, how you prefer to be nurtured or cared for, or address past history including your family of origin. It may be apparent your overarching focus has been on advancing publicly, so that this moment could reveal considerations instead regarding your domestic life and household settings. With the Sun conjunct also aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon, there could be surprises in store for your career or professional life, and unexpected information to be gained on an intuitional level.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of social life and goals. While you could be reviewing or revisiting your connections in these areas, it might benefit you to meet with allies you truly get along with. You will be reviewing and introspectively searching within yourself in these areas and with regard to your own self-identity.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with Spring Equinox, an important shift that encourages you to focus furth in with friendships, social groups you favor, of for future plans, all the while aware that things you seem to more fully understand or decisions that you lean toward now could shift in mid-April after Mercury returns to direct motion. At this juncture also, Venus in retrograde arrives at a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (then in in direct motion). Further transformation of your creative self-expression, your worldview, or the way that you regard interior process could be indicated.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your eleventh house, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. h you may amplify team spirit, people in your environment and visionary projects, long-distance travel, your expertise and new horizons. It’s possible you’re dealing with simple setbacks, given your chart ruler is now retrograde, so don’t be surprised if plans among friend seem subject to change.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune there, which could indicate that you reaffirm your path in the public eye. You may note themes of personal validation, praise and acknowledgement, and perhaps accept a questioning of what success and status really means to you.
Then, on the 29th, the AriesNew Moon and partial solar eclipse in Aries suggests new beginnings in your social sphere. These two inner planet retrogrades – as later this day Mercury joins Venus in Pisces – as are also however telling. So much is yet to be revealed in this sector of your sky, you might want to reflect and pause a bit. Just over 24 hours later, on the 30th, Neptune enters this area as well, which is a rare and significant event, so that you might see March as a month to engage with a crowd of likeminded friends, while monitoring the effect all that has on your authority in your career and processional life.
This is another noteworthy month for you, Cancer, when your upcoming career and professional choices are radically altering based in part on new realizations and intuitional information emanating from your own deep center. By the middle of the month, inner planets Mercury and Venus are both retrograding through your vocational sector; and this tracks with re-thinking the underpinning of this important area. Following from the recent Piscean New Moon, this reorganization is taking place from the perspective of your evolving worldview along with greater scope for your most sincere values. These internal principles have much to contribute to your thought process in the midst of a year in which your collective network is massively shifting in parallel with the recent advent of Pluto into the social sign of Aquarius. On March 6th, the First Quarter Moon directs your awareness to the inner reaches of your psyche, while the VirgoFull Moon eclipse of the 13th, when Mercury is at a standstill and preparing to retrograde on the very next day, represents another and even stronger indication for learning and growth that is largely based on inner moral principle becoming more consciously recognized. The Aries Equinox of the 20th and stretching to the 22nd represents another significant period of the current month when your career presence is doubly emphasized, and when partners as well as inner intuition take a commanding role in your developmental changes.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you find yourself in the early days of the lunation cycle stemming from the PiscesNew Moon from late February. This sets you into a process of new awareness centered around your beliefs, educational paths, global relations, or ways to broadcast your knowledge. For the four weeks that follow, you may find yourself highlighting your expertise and wisdom and sharing your specializations perhaps with long-distance adventures lighting up new beginnings in this area. Because Jupiter in Gemini is highlighted in this New Moon, and consequently figures in these March weeks, you are also drawn to the inside of your psyche, to discover what pearls can be brought up from these depths.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, with the Moon close by. In this moment you’re led into an ongoing process of re-evaluation that has the potential to shift your goals, redefine your aspirations or alter your public face. Community, friendships, home environments or family could be important, since this planet governs your social scene and societal dynamics, and your dwellings. You might be prompted to rebrand your external image to better suit your network, or perhaps you’ll question your ambitions, involving peers as a point of reference.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in Gemini in a square aspect. Meanwhile, Mercury is conjunct Neptune in this same timing. Your perception of the world and its endlessly varied perspectives could be intriguing, particularly given work you’re undertaking in private or projects that encourage you to transition. It may benefit you to show flexibility, with potential for revelations around your beliefs and unconscious tendencies.
Then, on the 6th the First Quarter GeminiMoon prompts you to pull back into solitude and healing, remembering intentions or plans to move through present circumstances with grace. Acknowledge progress made to accept a secret, undisclosed side of yourself, and ways you’re patiently gestating. The PiscesSun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. You may feel a sense of relief and assurance, as a period of personal reflection eases. This could involve a personal or professional mission your and achievements. A project may go well, with rewards or recognition directed your way, so that you now know where to direct your energy.
From the 10th to the 12th, you find Mercury conjunct Venus Retrograde in Aries, your tenth house of vocation, accolades and validation. You could be taking on tasks to get ahead, yet there could be important clues about your aims or career path, so pay attention, particularly to friends. Note who’s cheering you on, and take space to strategically move toward your goals or a winning reputation.
The Full Moon lands on the 13th and 14th, depending on location, and is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, your sector of communications and learning, as well as siblings. You might find wisdom in looking to close supportive connections or pursuing writing projects, illuminating friends and people that speak your language. Educational initiatives are also possible. Classmates and the ability to learn among those likeminded may be prominent. Social groups that you favor may provide surprise events or unexpected enlightenment. With the Sun conjunct disciplined Saturn and sextile Uranus in this Full Moon, you might be aware of certain formalities around your journeys, projects, or the path you’re walking that gives you a broadened outlook on life. There may be a mentor or guide to approach, an endorsement, or a qualification, to consider around experience you’ve cultivated. You might work with others to go the distance, teaming up with unusual or unconventional people in your network. Changemakers and rebels could allow you to open the floodgates on radical perspectives.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your sector of career and profession, causing you to take an introspective second look at this important area of your life. You might be re-imagining underlying ideas about what it means to have ‘made it’ and how you frame the parallels with you own deeper values that you hold inside, or the very notion of being successful.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with Spring Equinox (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) creating a significant shift that encourages you to profit, gain rewards or be compensated from being prominent. You could be inclined to show confidence in who you are publicly, even though with both Mercury and Venus in retrograde this could also be something that you are questioning.
At this juncture, Venus Retrograde also arrives in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (then in direct motion). This could encourage you to explore issues of transformation in your home or working life and also with respect to your close relationships which are being tested in this way, and potentially morphing in interesting directions.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your ambitious tenth house, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. h, you may be inclined to reflect on a re-brand or adjustments to your outward facing persona, and the power players that fuel your advancement. Certain parties or partners may be reliable collaborators, while others may emphasise a necessary transformation that’s begun.
On the 27th Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune (followed by Mercury on the 29th), which could prompt you to revisit your philosophy, morality, spiritual beliefs and significant exchanges with those long-distance. There may be more to reflect on around your quest for understanding, with friendly allies around you.
Then, on the 29th, the AriesNew Moon which is a partial solar eclipse speaks to new beginnings around your vocation, and ways that your vocational attitude feeds into your deeper values, and vice-versa. There could be an unexpected boost in how you are paid or commended for your assets. Just over 24-hours later – on the 30th – Neptune enters this same sector of status and notoriety, so you could be ready to make a prominent impression! Dream images or a newly found sense of style could enter and it may be a good time to imagine your outward facing image with utmost verve and confidence.
This is another interesting and somewhat squirrely month for you, Leo, with Venus from its very start – and also Mercury from mid-month – retrograding through your sector of higher mind pursuits. This affects vocation plus the area of communication and learning, and indicates an introspective period of time, when you will be looking to the inside, considering potential adjustments, and getting to the heart of the matter in attempt to better understand your current situation. The recent PiscesNew Moon from just before the month began colors most of March, getting you off to something of a fresh start in the area of intimacy and personal evolution, which involves exploring hidden places within you and reevaluating partner agreements. This is all happening in the context of transformation for your relationship dynamic in general with Pluto newly arrived in your opposite sign, corresponding to your partnership sector. The VirgoFull Moon eclipse of the 13th and 14th represents a potent juncture for you when surprises relating to your career lead to unexpected enlightenment in this area of vocational practices and constraints. This is also the timing of the Mercury Retrograde period which you are likely starting to feel and that officially begins 24 hours after the eclipse moment of exact. The issues of self and other fostered in this eclipse are thus augmented by your questioning of your entire belief system and your innermost principles and values.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you find yourself in the window of the thirty-day lunation cycle initiated by PiscesNew Moon from the last days of February. This sets you in the early days of a cycle of new awareness centered around deep-diving into the hidden spaces behind your mind. For the four weeks that follow, you may find yourself highlighting personal entanglements and the obligations committed to long-term, which could be emotional, financial or energetic. You could invoke new beginnings that have something to do with relationship twists and turns, based on transformational Pluto recently lodged in your opposite sign, and, as well, by reading a highlighted presence of Jupiter in Gemini, the matrix of the intersection of your creative output with the society that surrounds you.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, with the Moon close by. You’re led into an introspective review process for public statement and beliefs or philosophical concerns, also potentially affecting long-distance travel and your perspective on global issues or even your religious affiliations. Your public image, reputation or goals, and communication or rapport could be part of this, as you meditate on how these reflect your inner essence. Venus also governs your aspirations and your dealings with likeminded others. You might even find you’re seeking to discover meaning in foreign spaces.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces perfects his square with Jupiter in Gemini while Mercury also combines with nebulous Neptune – all of which may feel like rose-colored mentality and a fountain of imagination or else a foggy sense of irreality that evades practical solutions. Your connection to friends could intensify, with plans among them or within group settings elevating arrangements designed to be mutually beneficial. Collaboration and unity may be overwhelming and compelling, with a draw to be involved. It’s likely that you’ll find value in being intimately engaged with social networks or allies from your circle.
On the 6th, the First Quarter GeminiMoon guides you to acknowledge your peers, society or community. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, you might find real growth and progress around team spirit, while also being aware of subtle emotional undertones among your acquaintances. The PiscesSun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. While this lunation with its Venus retrograde facilitates introspection, and a period of soul-searching, a sense of perspective may also be apparent. Two points of view insect and clash, find compromise by combining. These touch on sensitivities yet also insights and wisdom around intimate situations. You may better understand what others need from you as a result.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury conjuncts Venus Retrograde in Aries, your higher mind ninth house. Around this timing you could be participating with people that have different truths to your own. It may benefit you to pay attention to conversational points or negotiations, and the outcome that will allow you to better understand the various themes that are present within you now.
The Full Moon that lands late evening of the 13th or early morning the 14th, depending on location, is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, in your sector of values, resources, material assets and income. You could at this turning be exploring the theme of accomplishing great things through collaboration with others. There is also your sole attributes and self-sufficient side, of course, and yet this configuration speaks of self and other. Your chart ruler – the Sun – is conjunct Saturn and sextile Uranus in this lunation configuration in your sector of joint resources and responsibilities. Partners could affect vocational considerations in a steadying way, and vice versa, and there could yet be total surprise events or unexpected consequences in this Full Moon timing. You might highlight your legacy, accomplishments, and all you’ve been working towards in unity and through relationships. You benefit by acknowledging whatever intimate bonds and commitments that relate to your public position and successes. You might want to remind yourself of what’s yours, while also being aware of all that’s shared.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th or the 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of higher mind, education and spiritual growth. It may be wise to revisit projects or dreams that enhance your outlook and expertise. This is your chance to rethink what you your beliefs and worldview and your perspective on other cultures.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox, as the Sun enters Aries, which is another quite important juncture. Venus is also in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius and your relationship zone, just as she was on February 7th (then in direct motion). This brings your attention to the relationship transformation that you find yourself in the midst of. You are likely to be in an introspective mode as you reflect upon key partners in your life and your relationship dynamic in general.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your global ninth house, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. h you may be dealing with one person – a significant other or key individual who connects you to your vision, or a broader point of view. You might have to accommodate contrasting beliefs or backgrounds, aware of those present.
On the 27th Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune there which brings a dose of his mysticism to the table and could invite you to greater compassion as you revisit themes of partnership sharing or the subject of merging of assets. You might find you’re reflecting on expectations, what you’ve shared, what you’re beholden to give or loan, repay or do for others – and what you anticipate they’ll provide in turn.
Then, on the 29th, the AriesNew Moon and partial solar eclipse suggests new beginnings in your attempts at more universal understanding, with yet plenty to unpack thanks to these inner planet retrogrades that remain in effect into the first weeks of April. When Neptune enters Aries the next day, on the 30th, it is a historic ingress; the last time was 165 years ago at the beginning of the American Civil War. March has been a time to explore and chart a course in adventurous terrain, and April could prove to be more of the same.
This is another interesting month for you, Virgo, and one in which you might wind up questioning in its second half various factors of identity, after your ruler Mercury retrogrades in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation. The PiscesNew Moon just before March began kicked off a lunation cycle lasting for almost all of March in your partnership sector. There is fresh energy for all your key relationships including business partnerships. Venus also retrograding through your intimacy sector implies looking to the inside in introspective questioning of your relationship dynamic as well as the values and resources that you bring to the table to effectuate your creative projects and in terms of your public statement. Because of a highlighted presence of Jupiter in Gemini corresponding to your vocational sector, you feel expansive. With the Full Moon eclipse in your sign on late evening the 13th or early d 14th, you are dealing with a significant fulfillment of an arc of development in your relationships that was initiated in the New Moon. This eclipse lunation features Uranus in your higher mind sector for an unusual set of unexpected intuitional revelations concerning your beliefs and worldview. The Aries Equinox on the 20th marks another exciting juncture when the depth of relationship connection comes front and center. All and all, this is a monthly cycle that will leave you far wiser than when you started, when you can stay open to possibility.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you are in the early days of the thirty-day lunation cycle initiated by the PiscesNew Moon from February 27th. This sets you up for new awareness centered around intimate relationships and exploring your own inner places. In the four weeks ahead, you are off to something of a fresh start with close partnership connections and one-to-one unions. Because Jupiter in Gemini is highlighted in thie PiscesNew Moon, your career choices are also likely to be getting a boost as well.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in the next sign of Aries, corresponding to your eighth house of intimacy and personal evolution. You are led into a process of re-evaluation that potentially affects the way you’re tied to others. Your beliefs, philosophy, and appreciating other perspectives, cultures, or views, could be important, as well as your financial contribution, since Venus governs for you personal development, wisdom, as well as your values and assets. Perhaps you’ll find you’re deepening your comprehension of what you share, reviewing and re-thinking your ways of reciprocity.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely in a square with Jupiter in Gemini. Meanwhile, Mercury is conjunct Neptune over this same period. Interpersonal dynamics, conversations and feedback could touch on your goals or professional aspirations, your public profile, and how you’re perceived. It may be necessary to balance ideas that are volunteered or put to you with the way you’re developing on your path. This may be concerning your career, a pathway to success, or your position and influence out in the world. It’s not necessarily obvious what a partner’s views are, so it may benefit you to pause until more information is revealed. Simply be aware of ways you’re seeking to be validated, your accomplishments, and how others respond.
On the 3rd, Mercury, your chart ruler, enters Aries, so that you could become more direct in asking for feedback from a significant other. Mercury immediately makes a sextile to Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius, corresponding to your sector of health, daily life, and habitual routines. It may be more possible to discuss the support you expect from outside parties in order to reach a common destination. There could be interest in the role or part played by others to help you move toward fulfilling your ambitions, or it could benefit you to be cognizant of what’s spoken about. Mercury will spend quite some time in this area of your chart, thanks to an upcoming retrograde that begins mid-month.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you to affirm growth around your personal mission or career goals. There could be contention in reaching for conclusions. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, you might find real emotional progress acknowledging where you’re showing up publicly to be acknowledged. The PiscesSun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. This could feel significant for social activity and teamwork, with the potential for relief around an evolving community matter. There may be greater awareness of your cheerleaders or champions in a group or network. You may sense trusted affiliates and friends that are especially cherished.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjuncts Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to pay attention to unity of partnership purpose, financial bonds and reliable collaborators. Around this day you could be engaged with long-term or more sudden commitments, re-considering your role there and attempting to come to an understanding of what’s negotiable and what is not.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th, depending on location, is a total lunar eclipse in your sign, illuminating your identity, character, body, and personal life along with additional explorations of issues of self and other. The Sun is conjunct Saturn and also aspecting Uranus in this lunation, so that surprises events could bring unexpected enlightenment to romantic involvements or creative partnerships. This may help to open up your world and your understanding of life. Reminded of who you are as individual, you might approach others from a different standpoint as a significant step in your developmental saga.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of relationship agreements and joint contractual affairs. It benefits you to continue to review, reassess and revisit plans concerning mutually beneficial arrangements.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (at least, spring in the Northern Hemisphere). This is an important juncture, and one that carries you further into the exploration of intimacy and your own deep purpose and values. This signals a shift that encourages you to focus on acceptance around agreements, moving forwards in tandem with others. You might still be reflecting on what you stand to gain but are perhaps increasingly willing to let go, working with others more selflessly. At this juncture, too, Venus arrives in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (then in direct motion).
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your eighth house, all finding potent connection with Pluto in a sextile aspect. You may be rethinking expectations, be it around what others do for you, owe you or should give or share, and your efforts, to consciously maintain or work on projects. You can allow yourself to explore your vulnerabilities, dependencies and even fears.
On the 27th Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune. This event is followed by Mercury on the 29th. These twin ingresses could prompt you to revisit once again what you know, understand, and assume about a partner. It could also be an opportune moment to get more intimately acquainted with others principal figures in your orbit.
On the 29th as well, the AriesNew Moon and partial eclipse occurs in your eighth house of intimacy, partnership agreements, and depth explorations or evolution, suggesting new beginnings around important relationships. There’s still more to be revealed thanks to these ongoing retrogrades and subsequent April cycles.
On the 30th, Neptune enters Aries, which is another powerful transit of this fractious year. Following March you may be ready to explore even deeper alliances.
This is another rather difficult month for you, Libra, that is also rewarding in terms of knowledge gained. Your ruler, Venus, is retrograde in your opposite sign from the very beginning of March, creating an introspective monthly cycle when you will be exploring more deeply within yourself and in terms of intimacy with close partners, reviewing and re-thinking, with potential re-adjustments. This is a time as well of reviewing issues of the workplace or of day-to-day activities, signaled by emphasis on the Pisces sign lasting throughout the month. While your close partnerships are re-evaluated, it is also possible that inner wounding will come up, because Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located along with Venus in your relationship sector, is also activated in the PiscesNew Moon. There might be a way you could discover your internal wounds, the residue of unresolved early childhood trauma, as hindering the fullest expression of your relationship energy; if so, loving attention to these dark places buried within you can work wonders. The VirgoFull Moon and lunar eclipse of March 13th and 14th represents another quite potent juncture, when you will be plumbing your depths for further answers and when surprise events and unexpected revelations could occur in the realm of intimacy and partnership agreements. Mercury retrogrades in Aries on the very next day, offering further opportunities for introspection and learning. The Aries Equinox follows on March 20th and brings along with it further emphasis on key partnerships.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, the recent PiscesNew Moon from the last days of February has set the stage for the first 28 days of the current month – lasting until the next New Moon. Thus you are in the beginning of the thirty-day cycle of this Pisces lunation cycle with a focus of awareness centered around your health practices, lifestyle habits and daily workspace, with the routine nature of this type of maintenance in mind In the four weeks ahead, it could benefit you be aware of daily routines, and ways you find meaning in work or acts of service, with new beginnings there as well. Because Jupiter in Gemini was featured in the recent New Moon there is a great deal of wisdom to be gained especially for your relationships, since Aries is another sign that is highlighted this entire month.
On March 1st, your ruling planet Venus stations retrograde in your opposite sign of Aries, with the Moon close by for added emphasis. There is a great deal of introspective self-reflection that will be involved, affecting both issues of your own identity and how you are with key partnerships in your life. You might find you’re reconsidering what you commit to, what you promise and how well you keep your promises, every factor of your relationship dynamic. You may find yourself reassessing how much of yourself to share, since Venus governs intimacy, joint agreements and your sense of self.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in the perfection of his square. You might find conversation or exchanges in your day-to-day are heightened – or perhaps negotiations may be challenging. With tension in the stars be mindful around plans that require clear communication, and with Venus in retrograde in your opposite sign, be prepared to do everything at least twice or once completed, to question the outcome. There is in all this an opportunity to learn, and the path of wisdom is at least indicated as a stairway forward.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, which may indicate an easier time communicating, and finds immediate connection with transformational Pluto in the early degrees of your sector of creative self-expression as represented by Aquarius. There could be honest, open dialogue, and expressing your preferences more clearly to others. You might like to speak up about what you want, and you could find changes brewing with projects or hobbies, as well as tastes, fun plans, or any children you may have.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you toward your own beliefs and evolving worldview, plus potentially touching on travel or an educational journey, or other cultural relations. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, a sense of optimism might be palpable. You might now truly understand different outlooks, or learn from people that present an alternative point of view to your own. The PiscesSun is in a harmonious trine to Mars in this configuration, now direct in the sign of Cancer. This week-long period may bring greater focus to your public image or career path. Partners might come to be involved in your career choices and you might need to acknowledge methods, ways of working, or a practice that enhances your reputation and how you’re seen.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjuncts Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to pay attention to your relationships, particularly for ideas related in conversation or shared information.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, corresponding to your mysterious house of dream imagination, unconscious process and inner work. Remind yourself of healing practices, and of what it means to have control (or how to let go of the need to be prescriptive). With the Sun conjunct Saturn and aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon, there could be surprises with partnership agreements, or within the bounds of your own internal explorations of intimacy. You might be made more aware of adjustments there, or the way in which you depend on others or rely on outside support. There could be responsibilities as far as domestic settings, or the organization of your daily life now more greatly emphasized. You are called to balance conscious and unconscious factors leading you toward wellness and security.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your relationship sector. You can perhaps strive to review key collaborations, perhaps reading between the lines, in consideration of what’s said and implied by others.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (for this Northern hemisphere) , representing an important juncture with does bring your relationship dynamic with other even more directly into highlighted illumination. This might allow you to focus on people that stand out from your social scene, individuals within your community, or perhaps a circle of friends introduced by a partner.
On the 21st, At this juncture, Venus arrives in a sextile aspect with Pluto in Aquarius just as it did on February 7th (though in direct motion). Then, between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. This highlights relationships and what you’re beginning to know about your desires, passions or and what will really bring an authentic happiness. You might direct attention to those that show enthusiasm for your interests. This could be a sense of pleasure or your kids, creative projects and crafts, sporting feats, your sexuality, or ways you express yourself artistically.
On the 27th your ruling planet Venus dips back into Pisces, soon to be followed by Mercury, meeting Neptune there, which could prompt you to recommit to healthy living, and also affects your relationship dynamic in becoming more nebulous or more distinctly spiritual.
Then, on the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for a partial solar eclipse in Aries, indicating new beginnings in significant unions, with plenty still to unfold. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you may want to see this as a time to also bridge the way you go about daily tasks and habitual patterns, or work toward your general wellbeing, and perceive your connections to others – be it a client, spouse, lover, best friend, or a colleague. On the 30th, Neptune enters this same Aries sector, bringing a touch of the spiritual, or of glamour, or for illustrious personal encounters to add to your relationship scene.
This is an interesting month of finding your way forward, Scorpio. This in the wake of the PiscesNew Moon with also the retrograde of Venus in Aries, that sparks issues of relationship exploration or introspective changes for your sector of health and habitual day-to-day patterns. Later in the month, just one day after the VirgoFull Moon eclipse of the 13th and 14th, Mercury stations to retrograde in this same Aries sector of your solar chart. You have a lot on your mind and in your heart, making this a challenging and yet intuitively rewarding monthly cycle. The First Quarter Moon in Gemini, on the 6th, conjunct expansive Jupiter, in your sector of intimacy, personal evolution, and partnership agreements, gives a positive flavor to a normally contentious lunar phase; partaking of a little of both. Then, A week further on, the VirgoFull Moon and lunar eclipse in Virgo highlights your sectors of creative self-expression and social contribution or evolving future goals. This lunation configuration also features both Uranus in your opposite sign, and Saturn in your sector of creativity and joy, marking a time of dedication to your projects and providing intuitive information or surprising events and revelations on your relationship front. The Aries Equinox of the 20th is also an important astrological marker and speaks to values that, in the final analysis, must be completely your own. The effect is enjoining you to remaining true to your internal moral compass despite everything.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As March begins, you find yourself in the early days of the thirty-day lunation cycle initiated by the recent PiscesNew Moon from the last days of the previous month. With this cycle being focused on the Pisces sign, or your sector of creative self-expression, there is likely new awareness centered around creative inspiration, passion projects, romantic possibilities, or what brings you joy, including things involving any children you might have. With your personal inspiration highlighted, the four weeks ahead could see progress in recognizing your creative skills and the way that you utilize them for practical benefit.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, or your sixth house of your workplace, day-to-day habitual behaviors, and health regimens, with the Moon close by. You’re therefore led to a process of introspective reflection and re-evaluation, with attention on the way you manage your daily life, habits, and regimes. You might find you’re also reviewing and re-thinking all your relationships and interactions with co-workers or a mate, and on techniques that might be productive of positive results. Venus also rules Libra, which for you refers to your 12th house of unconscious process and inner work, so that this is another area subject to re-evaluation for you this month.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely in a square aspect with Jupiter in Gemini, which connects to issues of intimacy and partnership agreements. Your key relationships are on your mind as March begins and there could be changes in the offing, or reconsiderations to be dealt with. Mercury is also in Pisces and conjunct Neptune at this time, which can be a spiritual factor, adding to compassionate consideration of your situation, or also might indicate an element of self-deception that could interfere with your judgment of the ultimate truth of what is transpiring now. Your communications, thinking processes and an ability to connect could be affected. Plans you have to develop an intimate commitment or discuss a collaborative approach might encounter setbacks.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes deep connection to Pluto in the early degrees of Air sign Aquarius in your sector of home and family. You might become more consciously aware of what is going on with your home base, root psychological issues, or your family of origin.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon takes place in Gemini, your eighth house of intimacy, partnership agreements, and personal evolution. As the Moon is co-present there with Jupiter, you may sense real growth experienced with regard to your arrangements with others, with a pact, vow or partnership that makes sense. You may want to consider your obligations, what you stand to gain and learn from people you’re in league with. The PiscesSun is forming a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer or your higher mind sector. This may indicate some assurance that you’re on the right track with a process of understanding or shifts in your beliefs. Since January, if you have been dealing with your outlook on global issues, or morality, perhaps cultural differences, you might begin to have a better handle on what you believe to be true.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, implies that this timing could be good reflect on, and pay attention to, your systems of organization and your wellness in general.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th, depending on location, is also a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, or your social sector. This significant juncture could bring your attention to important allies and also to your evolving future plans. With the Sun conjunct Saturn and aspecting Uranus in your opposite sign, there is the possibility of either integration or things that could be in potential conflict. There could be relationship surprises with also unexpected enlightenment in that area from intuitional sources.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of wellbeing, healthy lifestyle practices and daily undertakings. You might be even more attuned to review, reassess, and refine your day-to-day habitual patterns, or perhaps what you expect from key people you’re involved with.
Aries Season commences on the 20th with the Spring Equinox, which is an important astrological juncture, putting even more emphasis on your day-to-day habitual patterns and how they might be altering. It could be that the way you have been doing things for years has now lost some of its utility for you, and yet you also might find it difficult to change, due to the momentum of old habits. If so, these life elements may be shifting, or at least coming into greater awareness as you reflect on these things.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all finding relative harmony with transformational Pluto in your home and family sector. This trio of planets are located in your sixth house of daily life and upkeep. A domestic or organizational focus may be relevant to your household, familial dynamics, or issues with your family of origin. If such issues do arise you will have plenty of energy for dissecting what might be happening there, or for dreaming up the possibility of a different way to dealing with things.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune there. This backward ingress into Pisces is echoed by Mercury on the 29th. You might reflect on the joy you receive from your relationships, as well as your projects, and the way any partner you might have fits into your plans.
On the 29th, as well, the Moon joins the Sun fin the AriesNew Moon, which is also a partial solar eclipse. This indicates new beginnings for your daily routines and the running of things with plenty still to unfold during April. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you might be able to see this as a time to bridge everyday practicalities with what is ultimately inspiring for you.
This is another thoughtful and introspective month, Sagittarius, with this time a Pisces flavor due to the recent New Moon there, governing nearly this entire March cycle. The root sector of your solar chart, of home and family concerns and psychological interests, is a wordless place of feelings and familial patterns, including family of origin, while Jupiter in Gemini, also featured in the PiscesNew Moon, and thus found in your relationship sector, promises new horizons in key partnerships and for your relationship dynamic in general. Another part of your chart is a focal point this month and that is your fifth house Aries sector devoted to creative self-expression, children in your life, and projects that give you joy. Venus retrogrades there from the very beginning of the month while Mercury is also slowing down in preparation for its retrograde in Aries during this month’s second half. You might therefore be spending a certain amount of your March energy in introspective inquiry about how you handle these fifth house matters and in what ways things there could eventually be improved. The Full Moon eclipse in Virgo of late evening on the 13th or early morning on the 14th represents a powerful juncture, when issues of public image versus private life or family concerns rise to the surface and when unexpected events in your workplace or disruption of habitual patterns may throw you a few curve balls on the way to new realizations upon existing circumstances.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you find yourself in the window of the lunation cycle initiated by the PiscesNew Moon from the last days of February. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around your dwelling space, home life, family, or your nurturing tendencies. In the four weeks ahead, it could benefit you to address your commitment to goings on within your household, contemplating new beginnings in this important area or in your familial dynamics. Jupiter, your ruling planet, is highlighted in Gemini, your opposite sing, which brings relationship into the picture of this months focus. You might be attentive to any changes that seem to be coming up in this important area of life.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, corresponding to your fifth house of creativity, joy, and play. There may be extra attention on your romantic or your artistic side, projects or hobbies, or any children you may have. You might be prompted to review and re-evaluate anything in this area of your creative self-expression. Since Venus also governs, for you, your health, work, everyday life, plus your social networks, much benefit could derive from reviewing or re-imagining what you have going on in these areas. The practicalities of your desires or the involvement of friends in what you enjoy could be shifting.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with your ruling planet Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, your opposite sign, and answers to its guide Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time. Communications, thinking processes and your relationship situation could be thrown off or there could be interference from family matters. Plans to develop in some form of partnership might encounter setbacks, so be mindful of home and family life, and how this affects your relationships.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes a profound connection to Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. Conversations could go to depth around playful or romantic prospects and be punctuated by intensity, with strong subject matter, given these ties to Pluto in your communications sector. You gain when you pay attention to friends and your inner circle, enjoying rapport and maintaining an awareness of any undertones that stand out. There’s great emphasis on this area of your chart, because of Venus’s oncoming retrograde there, therefore conversational points, fun plans and exciting creative ideas could be featured again and again as though you were trying to arrive at a final truth that evades you.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini lands bringing a degree of tension from the lunar phase. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, and in your opposite sign, it might benefit you to check in with a partner. This is a tricky month, with many factors in play, and you are likely to sense growth and progress made in your relationships, and in recognizing that there is more to learn from a significant other. The PiscesSun is found here in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer, which is positive. You might be looking to sense what you know you need from important others, perhaps to include your own space or privacy, or a better handle on financial or emotional agreements.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, which encourages you to more conscious reflection on what is transpiring there, in connection with your personal creativity or perhaps subject matters such as attention to sources of joy or personal gratification. It might be an ideal time to learn more about your requirements for when you team up with someone special, or for working on your craft, or interests.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, corresponding to your career zone. This is an important lunation, as all eclipses are. The focus is your career, professional aspirations, or your public life. With the Sun conjunct Saturn and aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon, you might be able to bring in awareness of your responsibilities at home or around self-care, as part of the mix of energies affecting your career and public statement. Because Trickster Uranus is involved in your sector of day-to-day habitual behaviors, these might provide surprises, as well as unexpected realizations, both now and over the next several months. With Venus still retrograde in Aries, and with Mercury about to be the very next day, this is also part of a more extended timing when you are examining and introspectively reflecting on what makes you tick in this area of your own personal creativity or predilections for romance and fun engagements. Perhaps you will be looking to find a better balance between what you’re striving for both inwardly and in your public statement.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries 24 hours after the Full Moon (on the 14th or 15th), so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of your creative self-expression, and desires. You might acknowledge your inclination to express yourself (or get what you want), reviewing or making an honest appraisal of what really is important to you there. With these twin retrogrades you are more introspective than outwardly championing any particular idea.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (at least in the Northern Hemisphere). This is another important juncture and could further incline you to explore the ways you create artistically or enjoy life. This might include opportunities to really feel into what inspires you; as this can be a stimulus to better integration and sense of purpose.
Venus comes into a sextile aspect with Pluto in Aquarius on the 21st, just as it did on February 7th (though in direct motion).
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all three finding a strong connection with Pluto. This brings a significant focus to your happiness and creative output, along you’re your communicative outreach, whether involving those around you or online. You could be aware of extra attention on your desires, your affections or a project you’re devoted to.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune. This is followed by Mercury on the 29th. These twin ingresses could prompt you to revisit domestic plans and home life along with your creative projects.
On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for the AriesNew Moon and partial solar eclipse. This potent lunation indicates a fresh start in this area of creativity and romance.
Just over 24-hours later Neptune enters Aries. March has perhaps prepared you for Neptune’s entry into your house of creativity, children, and personal pleasure! This in the way of taking an out-of-this-word viewpoint or perhaps being merely inspired or confused, because Neptune can manifest in a number of different ways. You might find a way to blend family situations, the past, and how you’ve anchored yourself in that way with what’s being born out of these rather incredible and fractious times.
This is an interesting and confronting month for you, Capricorn, with unexpected events on the home front and a process of reviewing, re-thinking, and potentially re-adjusting your familial dynamic. The recent PiscesNew Moon kicked it off, and your communicative outreach and learning curve are stimulated, with Pisces corresponding to your sector of communication, curiosity, and learning. Relationship issues could arise for consideration and for greater clarity. The First Quarter Moon of March 6th carries a strained message for you with yet the Sun also in trine with Mars, ruling Aries and your important sector of home and family, while the Moon is conjunct optimistic Jupiter. This represents a collision of values that – also reflecting on the Venus retrograde in early Aries – might exacerbated existing tensions in this area. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Virgo of the 13th and 14th represents another significant juncture when there is an opportunity to learn from existing conditions and when inner wounding could also arise in the context of home and family. Unexpected curves in the road could be likely. Then, 24 hours later, Mercury retrogrades in Aries, so that these two inner planets will be moving backward, Mercury following Venus, until they exit Aries at the end of the month. The Spring or Aries Equinox takes place on the 20th and this is also a quite significant juncture for you, when home, family, and inner experience are again highlighted and when these two inner planets in their retrograde motion are further featured.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you find yourself in the thirty-day window of the lunation cycle initiated by the PiscesNew Moon from the last days of the previous month. This is a cycle of new awareness centered around the Pisces sign, for you the sector of communications and learning, with your own skillset highlighted along with your habitual patterns or possibly your health. New beginnings are indicated. In the four weeks ahead, it could benefit you to listen to others and to yourself, deep down, really hearing what you have to tell yourself about topics that move you and concern you over the course of this significant month.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in your fourth house of home, family, and your psychological roots. You might become aware of issues in this area relating to your very depths, which could also reference your dwelling space and your familial dynamics, including your family of origin. You’re being led to a process of re-evaluation around these areas, with attention on concerns you may have, and an introspective tendency to review and re-imagine, or re-invent, what is going on there. It is also possible that inner wounding lodged deep within your psyche might arise, the undigested residue of early childhood trauma, and if so, this monthly cycle represents an opportunity for healing and renewal in this area. You might also be willing to redefine what your household environment, your family or your home inspire in you. Regarding your swelling space, a redesign, refurbishment or renovations are another possibility.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, corresponding to day-to-day habitual patterns, health, or perhaps your sense of life mission. All these are somewhat enhanced and also somewhat conflicted. Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time, is the ruler of Gemini, so that your communications and thought processes are highlighted, along with, potentially, career issues. Your family or home-based scene, or an ability to work effectively with these things, could be tested, thrown off completely, or subject to deception or fantasy. You could be distracted by circumstances, so that practical tasks or duties could experience setbacks.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes deep aspectual connections to Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. This could prompt you to think about stability, safety and financial security, with ideas or course corrections about what you might make or build in your space, or how your family dynamics might evolve.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you to notice your habitual patterns, health issues, wellness with the possibility of conflicting way of looking at these things. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, real growth and progress might be made in task management or ways you find yourself serving others, or in keeping up with your day-to-day. The PiscesSun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in your opposite sign of Cancer, which brings close partners into the picture of what is going on. This may produce greater assurance around relationship issues that have seemed dynamic, exciting or even challenging. You are perhaps able to make a deep connection to key persons, partners or a significant figure involved with what is transpiring for you in an extremely personal way right now.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to find greater conscious awareness or pay more attention to your home life and its changes, or maybe remodel and what you want to be able to do in your space.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th, depending on your longitude, is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, or your house of higher mind, education, and travel. This is an important lunation, being an eclipse, and features your ruler, Saturn, with the Sun conjunct Saturn in your communications sector. So that is one area of intention while the concept of your beliefs and worldview is another. The higher intention here is that you learn something or expand the scope of your ongoing inquiry into the roots of your being. The effects of eclipses can be long-lasting, so that this is a theme for at least the first half of the current year. With the Sun also aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon there could be surprises in store, as well as unexpected realizations that dawn on you from out of the blue, based on intuition, potentially affecting your self-motivation and creativity as well as things that give you pleasure. Communication and articulation of what you are currently thinking through will also be a recurring theme for the remainder on the month, and beyond.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking through the base of your chart implying even greater introspective attention to issues of family, your dwelling space, and your psychological roots. It may benefit you to recalibrate, reminisce and consider familiar environments, along with your domestic life or how you prefer to nest or settle in, and you will be passionate about learning more.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) and this is another important juncture. It brings of course even more energy to your sector of home and family so that this is affirmed as an entirely significant area for you right now. At this juncture, also, Venus makes in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (then in direct motion). The transformation of your principles and values that is ongoing with strongly placed Pluto in that area of your solar chart might be said to also affect your creativity and your career or profession.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your fourth house, all finding harmony with Pluto in sextile. This is an ideal time to meditate on all the ramifications of what is well and truly up for you these days, and how your see things unfolding over the course of the next six months. Perhaps journaling would be a productive adjunct to dealing with these ideas.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune there. This is followed by Mercury on the 29th. Your sector of communications and learning is again affected, and doubly so by month’s end. which could prompt you to find ways to discuss with trusted others all that is currently going on.
On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun fin the AriesNew Moon which is also a partial solar eclipse, signaling new beginnings, answering to Mars still in your relationship house. Just over 24-hours later, on the 30th, Neptune enters this sector also which is another significant event. The last time this Aries ingress of Neptune took place it was on the eve of the Civil War. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you might see this month and next as a time to recalibrate in your surroundings, reorientating yourself in some ways, and seeking a true sense of place and spiritual connection.
This is another thoughtful, important, and conflictive month for you, Aquarius, with inner planet retrogrades affecting your communications, while your values and resources, including financial resources, could come up as well for a fresh start. Jupiter in Gemini is also highlighted, indicating that your projects and creative self-expression is being given an optimistic boost, especially in these beginning March weeks. The fact that Mercury, ruling the Gemini sign, with be in retrograde motion after mid-month might serve to dampen the purely positive take on what you are attempting to create as you have the tendency over this latter half of March to second-guess nearly everything that you are trying to accomplish. Of course, your very sense of identity is undergoing the transformational effects of Pluto in the early degrees of your sign. The VirgoFull Moon and lunar eclipse takes place on the late evening of the 13th or early morning hours of the 14th depending on your location being east of the Pacific time zone, and represents a significant reset, when issues of self and other could arise, and when partnership agreements are on the line. Because Mercury is stationing to retrograde motion only 24 hours after this Consequential Full Moon, there is an introspective process of re-thinking your conclusions regarding fundamental beliefs and worldview that is also going on at this time and through to beyond the end of March. All in all, this is quite a month for you!
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
We enter March in the window of the lunation cycle of the PiscesNew Moon from the end of the previous month. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around your earned income, personal contribution and assets. In the four weeks that follow, it could benefit you to look after prized possessions or maintain what’s profitable, rewarding and worthwhile. You might want to notice what others appreciate you doing, giving or providing, your personal attributes and what’s lucrative, with new beginnings.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in your sector of communication, learning, and local environments, with the Moon in Aries close by. You’re led into a process that could see you re-evaluating your interests and rapport. You might find you’re addressing your mindset, how you speak and deliver opinions in your environment – possibly at home. Venus governs your foundations and domestic settings, as well as your beliefs and broader perspective. Perhaps you’ll seek out alternative sources of information or integrate different outlooks.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. You might look to your finances or find others are focused on your role, while also considering what you want, your creative style, desires and happiness. It might help to be mindful of transactions, exchanges and processes around cash and spending, particularly where a hobby, children or a spontaneous purchase is concerned.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes deep-seated ties to Pluto in your sign, Aquarius, potentially transforming your communicative outreach and your creative self-expression, affecting your skillset, relationships and enthusiasm, that is, what you’re keen to say, write, express or convey. You may be the messenger of some confronting notions, volunteering thoughts on topics that seem compelling. You may benefit by taking note of conversational points and who you’re intent on contacting.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you to passion schemes, your creativity or project plans, with the potential to reorganize these in the light of fresh concepts or progress made. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, sense real growth around your talents, the arts, music or any children you might have. There’s likely more to discover and learn about your own happiness, inspiration, and channels for self-expression, yet in itself this is a good moment to acknowledge what’s in your heart. The PiscesSun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. You could be clearer on actions to take around your health, employment or everyday routines, and how to continue on with maintenance, a wellness regime, your lifestyle or general admin.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing when it might seem natural to be paying attention to those in close quarters or within your inner circle – exchanging ideas or participating in local goings-on and social moments.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, or your intimate sector of contractual and personal obligations. You might want to remind yourself of trusted partnerships, and how it’s possible to work with others for a mutually beneficial outcome. It may be apparent you’ve been taking on a lot of financial responsibility, with the Sun conjunct Saturn during this lunation. Uranus is also aspected during the Full Moon, so you might be remarkably aware of changes at home, in familiar environments, or new ways you perceive a parent or the past.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so both Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your sector of siblings, close teammates, neighbors and neighborhoods. You might like to reconnect with relatives or cherished friends, going back to revise an interest in your local social scene. The double retrogrades also greatly enhance your meditative introspection of your values and resources.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox encouraging you to focus on your communications dynamic and how you interact. You might become more aware of other points of view on the way that you do things. As part of this configuration, Venus comes into a sextile aspect with Pluto in your sign, just as it did on February 7th (then in direct motion). Your own process of metamorphosis is thereby highlighted.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. This could emphasize your presence to the people around you, and the way you teach, message, show curiosity or develop rapport. You might need to ask more questions or express an interest, getting to know people better.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces, meeting Neptune. This is followed by Mercury on the 29th. Thes backward ingresses could prompt you to revisit matters of your values and resources, personal belongings, payouts, your salary or personal security.
On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for the AriesNew Moon, a partial solar eclipse signaling new beginnings for communications and interpersonal skills. More will be revealed.
Just over 24-hours later, on the 30th, Neptune enters Aries. You could see March as a time that has readied you for the changes of the following April month.
This is another key month for you, Pisces, initiated by the recent New Moon in your sign from the final days of February. This New Moon signaled that a process of self-study is underway for you, culminating in an affirmation of your own evolving sense of identity. Venus, ruler of your sector of depth, intimacy, and personal evolution, turns to retrograde motion on the 1st, in Aries or your sector of values and resources. This area is subject to an introspective process of review and re-thinking during this interesting and complicated monthly cycle. The lunar eclipse and Full Moon of late evening March 13th or early morning of the 14th takes place in your opposite sign of Virgo and brings important partnerships into the picture of what is going on for you as you navigate the highlighted presence of restrictive Saturn in your sign. Mercury retrogrades in Aries 24 hours later, and you will be re-examining your values, income, perhaps your way of making money, as the month continues to unfold. You are also, more than usual, open to your inner world of unconscious process and inner work. It is possible that inner wounding will come up in some way, the residue of undigested early childhood trauma, and, if so, a good step to take begins with acceptance. You also could find that intuition provides a great deal of information for you. This cycle presents an important shift for you, especially when Neptune, your ruler, enters the Aries sign on the 30th, just after the second eclipse of the month takes place in this same sector on the 29th. It is quite a month of changes, so that it helps to be prepared.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As we enter March, we find ourselves in the window of the PiscesNew Moon from February 27th. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around you personally, Pisces. In the four weeks that follow, it could benefit you to highlight your identity, character, and wishes for your personal life, with considerations of these new beginnings. You do well to consider what you want and the consistent steps it takes achieve your dreams and intentions. It could seem all eyes are on you and your special qualities, or how you’ve overcome something and come out incredible!
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, with the Moon close by. You’re led into a process of re-evaluation that has the potential to shift your relationship to earned income, your salary or material world.
Your mindset and shared resources could be important, since this planet governs your communications, close ties, and intimate financial arrangements. You might be prompted to reconsider your approach to speaking about money and your role, or find you’re around among people similar to you. Your inner circle might provide you with a reference point throughout this review exercise.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in Gemini in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, so answers to its guide Mercury in your sign conjunct Neptune at this time. h, your perceptions or ideas could turn to home and family life, with household plans or domestic tendencies requiring your input or guiding hands. The life you lead in private could seem to rest with you!
Then on the 6th, the First Quarter GeminiMoon prompts you to retreat, into familiar spaces or your body, toward household matters. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, sense real growth and progress made under your roof, around parenting, a property, or developing your nurturing tendencies. The Sun in your sign is making a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. You could find a sense of fun is forthcoming, with good times, your tastes or creative preferences fulfilled. There may be greater clarity around who you love, what you desire or what you’re happy to pay for!
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to pay attention to your earning potential, what you value and care about, and the position you’re in. You might like to relate to those with a shared mindset.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar Eclipse in Virgo, and your relationship sector. This is a powerful lunation featuring your close or key partnerships. It helps when you can acknowledge your other half, and be aware of relationships or partnerships that are important to you, recognizing your significant other. However, with the Sun conjunct Saturn – and nicely aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon – you might be aware of personal responsibilities and more attention on you and your part. The way you connect, express yourself, teach or find common ground could be important, too. There will likely be surprises in store.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your sector of earnings, tangible assets and personal attributes. It may benefit you to reassess household budgets, spending in a social sense, and what you can count on others for.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with Spring Equinox, a shift that spotlights the way you maintain what’s important to you, what belongs to you, or the tools you have for making money. It may be interesting to look at upkeep, systems and organization of what you have. At this juncture, Venus arrives in an easy sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (though in direct motion). Then, between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your second house, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile.
You may be aware of attention on what’s lucrative or compensates you, your job, security and foundations, and how you navigate close ties when it comes to income and outgoings. You may be aware of inner work, a selfless undertaking or subconscious patterning that’s calling to be resolved, with Pluto touched upon. Find yourself braving your inner psychology where your outgoings are concerned.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune (followed by Mercury on the 29th), which could prompt you to revisit your individuality, your sense of self and who you are to those around you.
On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for a partial eclipse in Aries, which suggests a new beginning – and yet there is still so much remaining to unfold, due to these retrograde planets in their continuing unwinding. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you can benefit by seeing this as a time to truly know who you are, and find your worth. Just over 24 hours later, Neptune enters your sector of personal effects, money and income, signaling a shift that helps you reimagine what you can make and might build of yourself.