Astrology of February 2025

by Henry Seltzer
editor Victor Daniel

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There are so many things going on all at once in this dramatic month that it is difficult to know where to begin. The lead-off is the Aquarius New Moon of late January which initiated the thirty-day lunation cycle that therefore lasts almost all the way through the February month right up to nearly the end. This New Moon speaks to friendships, networking, computer intelligence, societal contribution, and looking ahead toward the future, with the additional stipulation that all these areas are simultaneously transforming with the impact of Pluto, Lord of Death and Rebirth, now settled into that sign for the next 20 years or so. When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 we saw corporate collapse with the banking crisis of that period, while in these interesting years, mid-decade of the 2020s, we see further social system challenges and changes. For this February month in particular, we find Pluto closely conjunct Mercury in the New Moon that defines it, and this brings a thoughtful time of accelerated change, along with greater awareness of change, so that there is plenty to think about and discuss as we navigate an increasingly intense month and year ahead.

We have also in this complicated New Moon configuration a highlighted presence of Neptune, with a forming Venus conjunction to Neptune as it nears the Pisces North Node, as well as a tight grand trine in Air from the New Moon to Jupiter in Gemini, and new 21st century Nature planet Makemake in Libra; and there is also an intriguing quintile on display from the New Moon to the Chiron/ Eris midpoint of 22° Aries as they lie a few degrees away from each other, simultaneously squared by retrograde Mars at 21° of Cancer. Neptune brings idealism and a touch of fantasy thinking or foggy logic. The Venus-Neptune conjunction, perfecting on the 1st, really a triple conjunction with the Pisces North Node, brings further emphasis to Neptune’s dose of spirituality and unreality, especially over the first week of February.

In this first week also, on Monday February 3rd, Mercury joins the grand trine with Jupiter and Makemake, all three of these planets at 11° of their respective Air signs. This grand trine is also highlighted on February 4th, as Jupiter stations, standing dead still in the sky to become more powerful as an influence. Due to the characteristics of this newly named Nature planet Makemake, that reflects a depth of moral commitment to taking action required by an internal sense of right versus wrong, or truth-telling, this grand trine implies a sense of activism that has to do with information exchange and forward thinking. The question of where we are going, each of us individually and also collectively, as a society, might be prominent on everyone’s mind and in their heart.

As far as Chiron, the Wounded Healer, highlighted in the New Moon as a background theme for the entire month due to the Chiron/ Eris five-degree conjunction being aspected by Sun and Moon at its midpoint, Chiron is also closely squared by retrograde Mars from the 4th to the 6th, so that inner wounding is also likely to be on all our minds during this month’s rather dramatic first week. This represents an opportunity for healing to take place because the first step there is awareness of how these issues can arise within us as psychological complexes to be dealt with, stemming as they do from poorly integrated early childhood trauma that has remained unresolved. Recognition of such complexes precedes acceptance and compassion, leading to eventual resolution.

After the intensity of the first few days of February, in the middle of the next week we may find that the Leo Full Moon provides a quantum of solace as we continue learning and growing. With Uranus highly emphasized at nearly the same degree as the Sun and Moon, forming a T-square, there could be surprise resolutions to ongoing issues and an intuitive level of improved understanding when we can let over-simplified logic out the door in favor of more nuanced planning. Unexpected events now might prove to be confounding and yet relieve recalcitrant logjams of stuck places we have gotten ourselves into. There is also an impulse that is activated over the last half of the month to move forward with what we can completely sign up for, our bottom-line values and we might be able to articulate and advocate for as part on an emerging mission statement to simply do our best, no matter what, and damn the torpedoes – as it were – that seem to cut us of from an acceptable future.

Along the way to month’s end, another juncture that stands out would be the Moon’s Last Quarter, on the 20th, as we enter Pisces season, which may also enjoin us to do everything in our power to trust our own most deeply and passionately held beliefs, to the exclusion of what anyone else might say in attempt to sway us.

All in all, this is an extremely complicated month of immense internal and external pressures, where we are the more rescued from despair the more we can come to our own understanding of what we stand for, deep inside ourselves, and proceed to act upon this and this alone. That is, to do strictly what we can find in our hearts as truthful and just. In this way, we may be able to feel that we have done our best, seize our freedom in the midst of difficult circumstance, and find true peace of mind.

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This is, again, a rather intense month for you, Aries, when Pluto and the recent Aquarius New Moon are featured. Your sector of friendships, group affiliations, and future goals is therefore once more singled out for intentional focus and transformational change. This in another month when you are being invited to seize the day for yourself in terms of what you want to accomplish in this new year and beyond. The key partnerships in your life are also an important factor for you now and might be of help to you in arriving at your revised mission statement moving forward. The February 5th First Quarter Moon is significant in this regard and might bring up inner wounding that continues to be a subliminal factor for you due to the highlighted presence for you of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sign. The Leo Full Moon of February 12th follows a week later, and signals surprise events and unexpected revelations in this regard – including those involving partnerships of all kinds. This along with deep intuitional understandings about how your vocational presence in the world is related to the internal values and principles you hold deep inside. Your work right now is to recognize what you have on offer within you, top to bottom, and how to best apply these characteristics to your ongoing spiritual evolution.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The Aquarius New Moon from January 29th in your sector of friendship and long-term ambitions serves to ground the astrological story of February. With Sun and Moon forming a trine to Jupiter in your sector of communication, this is for you a chatty, social lunation cycle on its surface that has a deeper meaning for you below the surface as it calls attention to the structures and meaning underpinning your collective participation. Mercury’s conjunction with Pluto in this New Moon in your social sector suggests you might encounter an intensity of change to your deliberations that is tied to a deeper reconstruction process. Pluto is associated with transformation of the area he is transiting, having last year re-entered Aquarius for this final time, lasting for the next twenty years or so. Binding your evolutionary drive to community, significant social reorientation may unfold alongside shifts in your broader aspirations — presenting the challenge of balancing independent thought and action within cooperative dynamics of friendships or social groups that you favor.

This lunation cycle is also influenced by a triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in late Pisces, which perfects on February 1st in your sector of spirituality and hidden matters. Highlighting soul considerations that sit apart from ego and group identification, this alignment invites a deeper connection with yourself, the natural world, and the sacred. The North Node has just shifted into Pisces, emphasizing a chapter of eclipse-related development underway that offers expanded self-awareness and access to your creative reservoirs by taking you closer to hidden and unconscious aspects of your life.

A month-long square between your ruling planet, Mars, retrograde in Cancer, with Chiron in Aries indicates emotional undercurrents may wield more influence than anticipated. With Chiron in your identity sphere and Mars swimming backwards in your sector of home, family, and your psychological roots, vulnerabilities related to self-concept and physical embodiment, familial dynamics, or family of origin may surface, particularly within domestic scenarios where self-advocacy and independence seem to threaten foundational security. Your feelings offer intimate information to you this month — what you’re most inflamed about may be tied to foundational or generational wounds, stressing the importance of needed outlets to get pent-up emotional energy moving.

Venus enters Aries on February 3rd, bringing topics of identity and your physical constitution to the forefront. Empowered by a sextile to Pluto, this may be a time for personal or aesthetic changes that more authentically reflect how you feel inside. There is also a partile or same-degree grand trine between Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Aquarius, and the new 21st century KBO planet called Makemake, located in your opposite sign. This could reveal inspiration on your part inspired by high partnership ideals and activities on their part in support of these.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, which may bring matters of communication, mental health, and siblings additionally to prominence in this week. This shift may align with a renewed sense of optimism or purpose motivating your day-to-day interactions and mental engagements. With Mercury in Aquarius forming a trine to Jupiter as he stations, it’s a fruitful time of the month to exchange ideas with greater mental flexibility or reach a compromise.

On the 8th and 9th, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius. Conversations or information related to the social networking of your life and long-term visions may reveal new avenues or offer additional clarity. The Sun and Mercury in their conjunction being square to Uranus in Taurus, your resources sector, indicating that sudden changes concerning finances, values or your skill set may crop up, driving such considerations and prompting creative approaches to your networking.

The Leo Full Moon arrives on February 12th, taking place in your fifth sector of self-expression, with Uranus remaining still quite active, thus through to the end of the month., This lunation calls attention to your unique creative path of fulfillment, possibly illuminating collective needs, societal contribution, and group belonging. The Luminaries form a tight T-square to Uranus in Taurus, indicating creative ideas toward resolving ideological, or financial tensions could be accentuated while also potentially providing new conflicts that might arise. Major changes in your priorities are possible, including those involving children or a romantic relationship, and could motivate a new trajectory or call for courageous honesty on your part. You are being enjoined to exercise your freedom to change and to express yourself — perhaps by being less compartmentalized in order to sustain authentic social participation.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th signaling Pisces season. Your 12th sector of inner work thus hosts a buildup of planets that may speak to you on the dream plane as you become mentally slightly unfocused for purely practical matters. Unconscious process becomes more important for you now and work on your internal wounding is a distinct possibility. Acceptance is the key.

On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer. With Mars slow to get moving again, resentments or challenges surrounding family, home, and property could be emphasized in the final week of February, requiring patience or sustained effort. Your ruling planet forms a trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations, suggesting deeper awareness of your approach to communication and self-assertion that can help your navigate your inner dynamics. Mars’ shadow phase continues until May, so you will slowly be arriving over the coming weeks to more steady and significant actions and progress.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces offers mental fortitude for tackling tasks requiring precision or focus. It’s a good time for meditation and self-inquiry — detaching from a dynamic to reassess internally may bring clarity, although you could be looking at things with a pessimistic lens that needs lightening up.

The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th seeds a fresh cycle in your sector of spirituality, dream imagination, and hidden matters. Making room for your imaginative and emotional processes may be particularly important around this date with Mars stirring up suppressed but strong feelings in the Cancer sign of the Moon. Neptune’s ongoing conjunction with the North Node in Pisces this month may also accentuate escapist tendencies, calling for a more conscious approach to your time alone. This aspect may also heighten your urge for transcendence, including unexamined confines you have placed on yourself, perhaps unconsciously. With Venus in your sign also connecting to Jupiter by sextile in this New Moon, with the Sun and Moon in square, you might find that what is highlighted are some undermining patterns that it might be time to deal with. There is also noting the importance of sharing more vulnerable aspects of yourself with others. This next cycle extends over March and may invite surrender, or perhaps shedding aspects of yourself and your life that you can no longer identify with.

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This month brings the mystical more directly into your life, Taurus, via the agency of Venus, your ruler. As the month begins, Venus is conjunct numinous Neptune in Pisces, featured as well in the Aquarius New Moon that continues to play out through February. This Venus-Neptune position conjuncts the North Lunar Node, for added emphasis, and is also hovering on the edge of your twelfth sector of dream imagination, inner work, and unconscious process. In some ways what is deep inside you and what is essentially transpersonal, partaking of dimensions beyond the physical, are one and the same. Either way you are being challenged now to face internal realities that can be more truthful as representations of what exists than simplistic logic and merely materialistic thought forms. These are all around you in terms for what the consensus has to offer, and which however are not enough to be a good set of guideposts for what you are all about. You are enjoined to take a more inclusive pathway as you move forward, and everything, including vocational situations, depends on your doing just that. The Full Moon of February 12th represents a strong reminder of your intuitional sense of yourself, including surprise revelations, that affect your work in the outer world and all else that you are set up to accomplish.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter February in the early days of the dynamic lunation cycle seeded in your sector of vocation and reputation in the timing of the recent Aquarius New Moon from late last month. Featuring a Mercury-Pluto conjunction in the most visible area of your chart, topics related to your professional future and worldly ambitions could absorb your attention all this month. These issues of public persona may linked to a comprehensive reframing process underway in this area with transformative Pluto highlighted in tis sector. Developments may push you to confront your relationship to power or feel linked to survival. The New Moon also forms a supportive trine to Jupiter in your values and resources sector — implying changes or consideration of livelihood, skill set, and what’s meaningful to you could be generative of renewed confidence.

This lunation cycle is also characterized by a triple conjunction between your ruling planet, Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, perfecting on the 1st in your sphere of friendship and long-term goals. Your interior world is also affected. Your creativity and social enjoyment may be especially emphasized in the early days of February. Whether you’re dreaming of a different future or connections that uplift your spirit, whatever it is that inspiries you could be significant to the unfolding of a new story in this social area of your chart now that the North Node has entered Pisces. Neptune and the North Node remain conjoined throughout the month, amplifying your compassionate and collective impulses while also potentially heightening potential confusion or implausible yearnings.

Venus’ ingress into Aries on February 3rd could bring up hidden feelings and a solo meditative mode as she enters your sector of spirituality and hidden matters. Because connecting to Pluto in Aquarius by long sextile until February 10th, whether it’s relational challenges at work that feel undermining or subconscious blocks to fulfilling your outer aspirations, you could be confronted with what’s beneath the surface. You also have the consciousness of early childhood wounding coming to the surface and the urge to do something about these matters in terms of the possibility of making progress on healing such issues.

An ongoing square also exists between Chiron in Aries and Mars retrograde in Cancer — your sector of the mind, siblings, and local environment. This could bring partners into the picture of your healing. Prioritizing solitude, self-reflection, and spiritual processes may be important in as well, as you deal with this relatively tense dynamic that could spark reactivity as circumstances prod at foundational wounds, issues from the past, or illuminate blocks to authentic communication. Writing or confiding in a trusted confidante could ease any inner turmoil that may arise, and help illuminate blind spots, including those tied to your individuality or your approach to conflict.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, bringing your resources and talents further to the fore in this powerful week of the 3rd. The planet of abundance changing direction makes it far more potent in its effects, heralding a more optimistic outlook on your finances or revived confidence in your skill set, along with enthusiastic communicative outreach.

Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius on the 8th and 9th. Associated with the clarity of conscious awareness, new information, feedback, and ideas may invigorate your vocational matters. The Sun and Mercury simultaneously form an applying square to Uranus in your identity sector, emphasizing elements of the unexpected and originality stemming from what is uniquely you — your personal development, health, or drive for authenticity could be disrupting business as usual to open new doors.

On February 12th, the Leo Full Moon arrives, highlighting your sector of home and family concerns. An extremely activated presence of Trickster Uranus in your sign, thus your identity sector, could illuminate the way familial dynamics influence how you feel about your role there or involving your actual dwelling space, vis a vis the persona that you adopt as you come across to others, and perhaps external success. In forming a T-square with the Promethean planet of Uranus in your identity sector, this Full Moon brings the feeling of moving somewhere unfamiliar — you or your relationship with your environment may suddenly seem different, possibly emphasizing the emotional effects of change or instability along with your need to be truly seen and loved for who you are. This Full Moon also strongly emphasizes unconscious process within you, perhaps internal wounding and its potential for healing, certainly a determination to strive for better integration between inner and outer as you continue to evolve.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, closely followed by the Sun on the 18th, where a buildup of planets puts the spotlight your social connections, networking, and goals as you enter Pisces season.
On February 23rd, Mars stations to turn direct in Cancer, when you could see challenges or efforts related to your mental health, siblings, or learning and communication related endeavors take prominence. Though Mars won’t catch up to where it left off in Leo till May, you may begin to feel a shift in your motivation or relief as the energy slowly starts moving forward. Forming a trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations, conversations or collaborations that have stalled could make headway. Trusting people enough to let them know what you need or where you’re at, including when you disagree, will support this process

From the 24th to the 25th, A Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces could help to ground big visions with a practical strategy, though may have you dwelling on ways you don’t belong. This transit supports hard but necessary conversations and may align with serious contemplation of the foundations you're building for the future, including within your friendships and community.



This is another month of transformational pressure upon your notion of your beliefs, Gemini. Both the recent Aquarius New Moon and also an elevated presence there of Pluto has brought great focus to your sector of higher mind, associated with educational initiatives, foreign travel, and, ultimately, your worldview. It seems that what is closely involved in the changes that you are currently going through is also your concept of service to others, and an idea of kindness as a way of life. Your creative self-expression and your sense of expanding identity is tied up with a sense of agency that involves these internal principles coming to the fore, a sense of activism unfolding. The week of February 3rd, which includes the Moon’s First Quarter, on the 5th, activates this sentiment and also presents inherent obstacles to carrying it out more fully in your life, while the Full Moon a week later, on the 12th, cements it into place along with a feeling of curiosity about where this all might be heading. The Last Quarter Moon of February 20th represents another powerful juncture when you are striving to understand your philosophy, its internal conflicts, and how it applies to your vocation. All this is grist for you mill as you continue to evolve on the lines of your intention for this lifetime, as you can come to discern it.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

February’s cycle of development in your sector of higher education, travel, beliefs, and worldview was seeded by the Aquarius New Moon from January 29th and its 30-day lunation cycle that follows. The trine from Sun and Moon to Jupiter in Gemini in this configuration indicates a drive for intellectual and spiritual expansion may offer personal fulfillment this month, and additionally push forward meaningful creativity. Your ruling planet, Mercury, conjoins in the New Moon Pluto in Aquarius suggesting a level of mental wrestling could be connected to an evolution in your understanding or consequential paradigm shift. Whether you're grappling is existential or academic, you could achieve through February in arriving at an expanded perspective.
This cycle is also characterized by a triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, perfecting on the 1st in your vocational sector. Highly creative, this alignment could indicate renewed inspiration in your work, your professional relationships, or your future plans. With the North Node shifting into Pisces this year as well, connecting to the visionary aspiration of what is meaningful to you and your own definition of success may be integral to a new chapter unfolding over the next eighteen months.

On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries, or your sector of friends and long-term goals. Emphasizing social enjoyment and collaboration, Venus here may aid you in attracting fulfilling or beneficial allies, particularly if you take a bold approach to what it is you seek and ensure that your mission statement reflects your own innermost cherished principles.

An extended square between Chiron in Aries and Mars in Cancer this month could also complicate matters of group belonging and acceptance. With retrograde Mars in your house of resources, finances, and self-esteem, the return of dynamics from the past could inflame self-protective mechanisms that may have long hindered you from fully sharing your gifts or pursuing what you desire. This increase of attention to these inner complexes might ultimately lead to healing light upon these issues. Whether alone or with a trusted companion, confronting and expressing your feelings head on could shake out what’s lingering below the surface layers of conscious awareness in your energetic and emotional memory bank.

Jupiter stations direct in your sign on the 4th, bringing your personal accomplishment and development to the forefront during this very consequential week of the 3rd, which also includes the Frist Quarter Moon in your sign the next day on Wednesday, February 5th. As Jupiter, planet of luck and optimism, changes direction and becomes temporarily extra-potent, lifting your spirits, you are also dealing with conflicting desires or clashes between personal and work-related goals and opportunities.

On February 9th, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius. This can be a lightbulb moment when you’re learning something new, with emerging information, understanding, or feedback that may offer additionality clarity on matters of education, spirituality, or travel.

The Leo Full Moon on February 12th illuminates your sphere of communication, siblings, and local connections. Emphasizing the polarity between the theoretical and experiential, you may be considering your information engagement from the perspective of what brings joy or offers room for your creative voice to shine through. Featuring a fixed sign T-square to Uranus in Taurus, contrasting influences that restrain or expand your unique style of self-expression may be thrust into view, be they fears that you don’t know enough or confidently replacing outdated beliefs and frameworks for understanding the world. Stepping away to consciously engage with what grounds you will be supportive. Your intuition, associated with Uranus, is strong now as well, and, if you can remain open to it, might be able to tell you true in a way superior to your more conscious ratiocination.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th, signaling the entrance of Pisces season. The apex of your chart, related to vocational matters, now hosts a buildup of planets, accentuating career, calling, and public persona.

On the 20th, the Last Quarter Moon takes place at the beginning of your opposite sign, with the Sun in Pisces now, thus in your career sector. Pluto in early Aquarius is also quite strongly emphasized. This significant juncture indicates potential conflicts in attitude between warring life factors, and yet might succeed in bringing important partners into the picture of what you believe and actualize.

Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 23rd in your sector of resources, talent, and self-esteem. Out of bounds and barely moving in the sky, impulsivity or challenges around money or skill set may be emphasized in the latter part of the month, including your approach to competition. While Mars won’t recover lost ground till May, its gaze is now directed to what’s ahead, suggesting emerging relief or hard-earned progress. Mars connects to Mercury in Pisces by trine as it stations, linking changes in motivation or cashflow to professional negotiations or shifts in perspective. At its core, this may hinge on whether you care enough about something to make the necessary sacrifice.

On the 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces brings a dose of reality to your professional sector. Whether you are seeking advice from an authority, weighing up commitments, or pushing to bring a project to fruition, practical and long-term considerations could prevail.

The Pisces New Moon, in your career sector, takes place on February 27th. The work you offer the world, your public profile, and realms of achievement are the grounds from which the story of your next stage will develop. Forming an applying square to Jupiter, ruler of this New Moon, this next lunation cycle – carrying over into most of March – could relate to creative projects you have poured a lot of yourself into or further transformational changes in your beliefs and worldview. Neptune’s ongoing conjunction with the North Node in the latter degrees of Pisces may additionally accentuate a frustrating lack of clarity or emerging fantasy ideals around career matters and call for some aspect of surrender or compassionate revisioning. Saturn/ Mercury forms a sextile to Uranus in Taurus which hints at the unpredictable changes in sense of identity for you on this year’s horizon. Your interpersonal connections may be a source of pleasure and meaning that could help you advance your personal goals.

This is kind of a scrambled month for you, Cancer, complexified by outer planet interference patterns and the Mars retrograde in your sign coming to its turning point on the 23rd. As Mars stations, he is all the while in strong trine aspect with Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces; your sector of beliefs, world view, and higher mind issues and concerns. Meanwhile, from the very beginning of the month, the recent Aquarius New Moon give you a fresh start with issues of intimacy and personal transformation, with changes coming down the pike that could affect ongoing issues of partnership agreements and your relationship dynamic in general. There is also a month-long highlighted presence of Trickster Uranus to deal with, for surprise revelations in terms of friendships, group affiliations, and future plans, plus powerful Neptune in the month’s early going, allowing you to embrace a more spiritually evolved worldview, as well as vocational shadows – and fuzziness – that you may have to carefully navigate. The Leo Full Moon of the 12th brings partnership issues to the fore with also an intensified presence of the Uranus effects of unexpected monkey wrenches thrown into the fan. Your mission statement this month seems to involve your work in the world and making that count in terms of big-picture results. You are making the best of things, even though early childhood wounding is another important factor that could need to be dealt with as you go.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

February opens in the wake of the Aquarius New Moon from the last days of January, that initiated the lunation cycle characterizing the current month. This New Moon kicked off the first week of the month with fresh energy in your sector of intimacy, shared resources, partnership agreements and personal transformation. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction in the New Moon, in the same sign, suggests that financial negotiations, or other dynamics of give and take in your close connections, may be intensified during February. With Pluto in early Aquarius your personal evolution is tied to transformations in how you merge or deal with others and manage your interpersonal power. The New Moon trines Jupiter in your sector of dream imagination and inner work which may be quite intensely significant also, implying that the impact of your private self-development is very much involved in your evolving relationship dynamic, perhaps bringing deeper self-awareness to both intimate and business partnerships.

A triple conjunction in the New Moon between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces Perfecting February 1st in your sector of higher mind indicates this lunation cycle is highly influenced by feeling tone and non-rational impulses. You could find yourself swept up in the delight of knowledge, travel/educational plans, or your spiritual development. With the Lunar North Node, moving backwards as the nodes do, having just shifted into late Pisces, what’s gestating here may connect to a new chapter of development that relates back to the Pisces eclipse last September.

Career considerations may also be complicated by an extended square between Mars in your sign and Chiron in Aries throughout the month. Mars is retrograde and out of bounds in your identity sector, so that you could be on the defensive as professional dynamics stir up vulnerabilities related to authority and achievement which manifest as lack of confidence or hesitation to act. The Wounded Healer being prominent in your career sector implies that, inner wounding having reared its rather ugly head, as obstacle to more free-flowing professional presence in your life, that with this greater consciousness might come to a series of healing epiphanies. With so much Martian energy in the air, this may be a case of “feel the fear and do it anyway.” Healing may be forged through taking concerted actions toward your goals which could have the effect of boosting your self-belief.

On February 3rd, Venus ingresses into Aries, your sector of career and profession, initiating a dramatic week. As she enters your vocational sector, you are more determined than ever to connect all your parts, outer and inner, rational and not so much. You are feeling the heat of positive activity yet taking place on the inside. Professional relationships, your public profile, or a creative project may come to the forefront at this time and be a candidate for greater personal integration.

Jupiter stations direct in Gemini on February 4th. Slowly recovering in your sector of hidden realms within you, this could promote the distinction between your public and private life. True generosity at this time may be to turn your attention inward, to yourself and the dream plane — Jupiter’s forward motion could align with revitalized enjoyment in your solitary pursuits or a more positive mental outlook.

Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius on the 8th and 9th. This aspect is associated with clarity of sight, potentially shedding light on the agreements you have with others, particularly facets that have been unspoken or assumed. The Mercury Cazimi forms in the early morning hours of the 9th and creates also an applying square to Uranus in Taurus, suggesting that inspiration could ensue, or that conversations or connections could reveal untapped routes and resources to help to free you from something that was stuck or outdated in an intimate alliance.

These themes culminate at the Leo Full Moon on February 12th in your sector of resources, values, and your skill set. Illuminating dynamics of interdependence, considerations of reciprocity, finances, and recognition may loom large alongside matters relating to your sense of self-worth. Your need to honor your creative instincts and code of values might be emphasized. The Luminaries form a significant T-square to Uranus, in your social sector, suggesting surprise events or unexpected enlightenment is this area of friendships, future plans, and the societal impact stemming from your creativity. You have a enormous drive now for career and profession, together with an urge that these reflect your deepest principles and nothing else. This while the transformative factors are still very much alive in your drive for intimacy and depth connection to yourself and others. Expressing your needs in this area might be of benefit for you in the month’s second half.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th, where a stellium of planets energizes your drives for intellectual and spiritual expansion as you enter Pisces season.

On February 23rd, Mars stations to turn direct in your sign. Slow to get moving more normally again, the station of Mars in your identity sector could accentuate challenges or ongoing efforts related to your body or personal development in the surrounding weeks. You might need to give pent-up emotions and energy a better outlet, including conscious exercise. Mars forms an constructive trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations, so that an exciting travel plan or a path to learning might gain influence in your thoughts, or a shift in world view might affect your career agenda. It’s also possible that self-restraint and patience might turn out to be extended themes as major actions could be delayed in their fulfillment.

On the 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces could keep your head steady and dedicated to philosophical maters of belief and worldview. Research and educational matters may make demands on your mental concentration. Future-oriented and also practical considerations may bring definition to what’s captured by your imagination.

The Pisces New Moon takes place on February 27, setting the stage for March happenings. Your beliefs, studies, and frameworks for understanding the world are the grounds from which the story of the next thirty days will develop. With Sun and Moon forming a square to Jupiter in Gemini, the traditional ruler of this New Moon, this lunation cycle is also likely to emphasize the importance of staying connected to your inner wisdom and intuition as you explore new horizons and refine your philosophy. Taking time to out to connect with yourself, nature, and your spiritual practices will prove nourishing and your heightened receptivity may also be a crucial guide to this process.

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This is a powerful month for you, Leo, in one way all about relationship transformation. In another way, it is your own personal development that is on the line. This includes how that involves your work in the outer world and within yourself, operating in tandem. The recent Aquarius New Moon in your opposite sign featured Pluto and Mercury there, in conjunction, so that your mental powers are very focused this month on key partnerships, existing or potentially emerging, and their evolution. Your career and professional life is also undergoing sudden changes – with intuitional choices being made almost without your conscious participation, while your social life in terms of friends and groups, and also the recognition of your overall societal impact, is blossoming and affected by important partners. There is an activist spirit emerging out of all this as well, an urge to concretely do something to advance your nascent principles and ideals. The week of February 3rd brings a spiritual thought process into play, coloring your deeper reflections regarding your vocation. You are also potentially attempting to better understand the impact of existing inner wounding on your life. The Full Moon in your sign on the 12th marks another quite significant juncture, bringing issues of self and other into a kind of culmination in the midst of further career revelations.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter February in the early days of the lunation cycle associated with the recent Aquarius New Moon, so that the coming month highlights your sector of one-on-one partnerships. Your networks and friendships are also enlivened this month, because the Sun and Moon form a productive trine to Jupiter in Gemini, or your sector of community and long-term goals. While it could be a very social lunation cycle, Mercury conjoins Pluto in Aquarius, suggesting deliberations within or about relationships have gravitas. You could find yourself speaking your truth somewhat strongly in celebration of your passion when your deepest principles are aroused. Wherever you’re facing a cooperative challenge, or the positive pressure of a new milestone, what’s emerging is likely connected to Pluto’s transformational spirit. This is fresh now and will eventually settle into a longer lasting metamorphosis; having made its final ingress into Aquarius, the Lord of Death and Rebirth of will spend the next 20 years working away on you through the realms of close partnership and your relationship dynamic.

A triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces also graces the New Moon, perfecting on February 1st in your sphere of shared resources, personal transformation, and intimacy. This may draw you deeper into the emotional and material aspects of your enmeshments. Neptune’s boundary-dissolving action may emphasize the romantic and soulful side of life, especially over the first three days of the month. The recent nodal shift into the Virgo-Pisces axis indicates eclipses this year will initiate a new cycle of development centered on your inner growth and the way you collaborate and merge with others.

A prolonged square between Mars retrograde in Cancer, your sector of unconscious process, and Chiron in Aries lasts throughout the month as Mars stations, and indicates that overly rational approaches could be outshone by the emotional elephant in the room. Your worldview might be subject to thoughts of not-good-enough stemming from internal wounding which offers you the opportunity for acceptance of these darker places within you and eventual healing. With Mars retrograde in your subconscious sphere and Chiron in your sector of higher mind, scenarios may inflame deep-seated vulnerabilities that have influenced your beliefs, educational path, or sense of belonging.

On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries, which sign is, again, your sphere of beliefs, higher education, and also travel. Her ingress there may bring levity to emotional heaviness by encouraging you to engage in what’s stimulating your adventurous curiosity. Empowered by a sextile to Pluto, relationship dynamics may call for you to center in your guiding principles and let others come to their own conclusions.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations to direct motion, completing its four-month-long retrograde in Gemini. This may herald an uplifting shift in community spirit, friendships, and future oriented considerations, which could draw focus in the surrounding days. Forming a trine to Mercury in your partnership sector as it stations, this week is a constructive time to reach out for advice or engage in dialogue to try to get things moving forward.

A Mercury Cazimi takes place in Aquarius on the morning of February 9th. The planet of communication connecting with your ruler, the Sun, over these two days of the 8th and the 9th especially could motivate frank honesty or bring greater awareness to where you’re at or what you want in a partnership — you will just want to be mindful of getting over-identified with your own perspective or that of a trusted partner. Taking place alongside the trine between Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces, this may involve consciously approaching resentments and reassessing your obligations to others.

The Full Moon in your sign arrives on February 12th, illuminating your personal goals, identity, and physical constitution. Forming a tense T-square to Uranus in Taurus at the top of your chart, corresponding to your vocational sector, there could be surprises there, or unexpected intuitive revelations. Issues of self and other, your felt experience of pressure and change within your relationships and affecting, as well, your career and your sense of identity would all be highlighted in this Full Moon. While you may have heightened sensitivity to how you are seen in the world or the value of your contributions, the function of Uranus is to liberate, so that instability in some factor of your professional life could be the prelude for a new calling. The Promethean planet also invites a freeing “might as well be myself” attitude, which has the upside of letting your creative authenticity shine. This Full Moon validates your needs for joy, passion, and vitality, and could highlight where they were absent. With Mars additionally at nearly a standstill in Cancer, and in trine aspect to constricting Saturn, taking some time out along the way to rest and process could be essential.

Mercury joins the buildup of planets in Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th as you enter Pisces season. Your sector of intimacy, inner transformation, joint enterprise, and partnership agreements are areas where the action is.

On February 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer. The days surrounding this station could heighten feelings of disconnection, health challenges, or other undermining influences. When faced with anger, you benefit by trying to respond with reflection — a step backward –- giving yourself time for pent-up emotions and energy to dissipate, which could prevent unnecessary drama. Mars shares a watery secret with Mercury in Pisces as it stations, perhaps offering deeper understanding of hidden factors influencing financial and intimate dynamics, including your approach to self-assertion and cooperation. Mars will not reenter your sign until April 18, and will slowly regain momentum in your sector of unconscious process.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces offers practical minded discipline for looking at the finer print, including budgeting or contractual considerations. Neptune's ongoing conjunction with the Lunar North Node in Pisces this month could emphasize blurred boundaries and ambiguities in your close alliances. You might want to engage this transit to get clear about what you are committing to and why.

On the 27th, the New Moon in Pisces brings fresh energy to your sector of intimacy and personal transformation, related as well to inheritance, partnership agreements, and psychological processes. These are thus the grounds from which the story of March will develop. The Sun and Moon are additionally forming a square to Jupiter, the traditional ruler of the New Moon, calling for your analytical and intuitive intelligence to discern the cooperative efforts and connections you want to promote versus those you may have outgrown. Evoking your flexibility and out-reach to important others could broaden your concept of the future and connect you with supportive allies.

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This is an interesting month of changes and renewal, Virgo, this time fully centered in your sector of service to others and habitual action patterns, where Pluto and your ruler Mercury currently reside. These two planets are conjunct in the recent Aquarius New Moon that defines the February cycle. This indicates that there is a fair amount of transformational pressure on you as far as day-to-day environment, including potential workplace adjustments, plus health regimens or habitual patterns that are in need of change. Another current astrological factor for you is the ongoing presence of Trickster Uranus in your sector of higher mind, indicating that there could be additional surprise events and unexpected intuitional revelations in the areas of education, beliefs, and worldview. With the Leo Full Moon of February 12th in your sector of dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work, these factors, emphasized in recent months and now even more so, are coming to a head. It is also true that this is another month when your own inner wounding, the likely residue of unresolved childhood trauma, could be emerging into greater conscious awareness for the ultimate purpose of healing. You have at your disposal in this mid-month timing a hidden determination to more greatly explore every facet of what you hold inside – with an eye to better future integration, which includes your relationship dynamic.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You meet February in the early days of the Aquarius lunation cycle seeded by the recent New Moon in your sector of health, routine, workplace, and daily efforts. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction is part of this New Moon, so that you may be reflecting deeply on the structure and purpose of your daily activities or implementing changes to ease work-load pressure or address health factors. A trine from the New Moon to Jupiter in Gemini suggests positive career developments or a sense of calling could be keeping you busy or inspire realignments. With your ruling planet Mercury empowered by Pluto this month, honest communication with those in your daily life could lighten your load — you could have access to more help than expected.

Also present in this New Moon, a triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, perfecting on the 1st, sets an additional tone for this February cycle, bringing a powerful focus to your relationship sector. The first weekend of the month and the week that follows, beginning on the 3rd, makes for an uplifting window to prioritize romance and enjoyment in partnerships. Your workplace, too, is a focus of the energy that is unfolding over this intense first week of the month. Neptune’s ongoing connection with the North Node amplifies themes of healing and emotional breakthroughs, though relationship dynamics may be complicated by ambiguity or unrealistic expectations. With the Lunar Nodes shifting to the Virgo-Pisces axis, this year’s eclipses will activate evolutionary turning points within your partnerships alongside developments in your identity and physical body.

On February 3rd, also, Venus enters Aries, your sector of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Calling attention to material or financial aspects of a shared goal or other dynamics of give and take, Venus’ gifts of attraction may help you draw upon different avenues of support or emphasize your drives for pleasure and physical connection within intimate bonds.

A prolonged square between Chiron in Aries and Mars in Cancer throughout the month could complicate dynamics of desire and interdependence. With Mars inching slowly backwards in your sector of community, friendships, and future plans, there could be conflict, resurfacing emotions, or dynamics of inclusion that might urge you to confront vulnerabilities around trust, self-confidence, and power distribution within your intimate relationships and friends. Feelings of alienation could call attention to the effects of transformative events and inner growth, perhaps calling for realignments in friendships or broader life ambitions.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, indicating matters of career and public profile may be at the forefront and could be a source of revived purpose or positivity. Forming a trine to Mercury in Aquarius as it stations, learning and communication projects could factor in, as well as an upturn in your mental health. February 2nd–4th is particularly receptive for sharing ideas or engaging in career negotiations.

On February 8th and 9th, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius. Conversations and insights may clarify your daily priorities, habitual patterns, or health matters. The Mercury Cazimi on the early morning of the 9th, denoted by an orb of ¼ degree, represents a moment of exceptional clarity and so is a good time to meditate on your situation. The conjunction in general forms an applying square with Uranus in Taurus, suggesting shifts in your outlook or changes related to education, spirituality, or international travel could motivate realignments and energize your mental engagements.

The Leo Full Moon of February 12th shines its light on your sector of unconscious process, inner work and spirituality. These last two weeks of the February month may thus highlight the polarity between the practical details of daily life and less conscious patterns or feelings that could be steering the ship from below deck. In this Full Moon as well, change agent Uranus sits at the apex of a T-square formed by Sun and Moon, a challenging aspect that may push you to need to address the emotional and existential impacts of any unexpected detours on your path. Trickster Uranus, sometimes called “freedom from the known,” is full of the unexpected, so that surprise events and unanticipated enlightenment might come your way in terms of evaluating your beliefs and worldview. The nodal shift to Pisces and buildup of planets there triggers your relationship sector at this time and might make it crucial to find spaces of sanctuary to detach, rest, and reassess internally. This Full Moon calls you to recognize your unique gifts along with your need for joy, possibly illuminating self-expression or the importance of making more space for your passions and playfulness.

Mercury enters Pisces, your opposite sign, on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th, as you enter Pisces season. This could have the effect of drawing your focus and life force further into your intimate or business partnerships as symbolized by all the Pisces planets.

On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer. Barely moving in the sky for most of the month, interpersonal challenges or cooperative efforts could crescendo in the final weeks of February. Forming a trine to Mercury, your ruler, as it stations, and allowing you to confront patterns of self-sacrifice through conscious self-assertion — letting people know what you feel, or need, will likely help get things moving or clarify where to invest your energy.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction takes place in Pisces, emphasizing relationship commitment or, potentially, contraction. While Saturn's influence could emphasize obstacles or sorrow at this time, this aspect encourages strategizing as well as grounded conversations about love, boundaries, or future goals.

As the month draws to a close, the Pisces New Moon on February 27th draws fresh energy into your sector of love and partnerships, where it may be time to dial in a new vision. The ongoing Neptune-North Node conjunction in this New Moon could heighten your sense of being at a relationship crossroad. There are feelings and fears associated with letting go to make way for a new chapter. This fated feeling is heightened by a square from Sun and Moon to Jupiter in the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini or your vocational sector, while a sextile between Mercury and Uranus suggests your realms of achievement and higher education offer positive growth factors and could provide a more tangible framework for navigating unknown factors or emerging inspiration.

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This is another month of challenges and payoffs for you, Libra, especially if you can stay flexible. The Aquarius New Moon that astrologically defines February lit up your creativity sector, which is evolving with the changing patterns of your beliefs and worldview. This is, for you, an almost activist timing, when your values are becoming more evident as you describe them to others and proceed to act upon them. Your intuitional intelligence is strong right now and carries information arising from your depths, defying logic, but nevertheless a signifying truth. There is this urge within you to stay true to yourself, as signaled by what emerges from these deeper layers of your psyche, along with a competing pressure for surrender to the stale wisdom of the consensus. You may find that the week of February 3rd is powerful for you in this regard, with shifting valuations when conscious and less conscious intuitional awareness is coming through. The Leo Full Moon of the 12th makes for a kind of culmination, when you are more aware of the outer world effect of what you do and say, and when important partnerships of all kinds, plus future plans, get a more distinct focus. What will see you through would be your trust in your own deepest principles above all else – independent of outside distractions.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You meet February in the early days of the Aquarius lunation cycle based on the recent New Moon in your sector of romance, self-expression, and children. With Sun and Moon forming a trine to Jupiter in Gemini, as well as new 21st century planet Makemake in your sign, you’re in your element this month, with a grand trine in Air that gives you a sense of determination to go your own way in spite of torpedoes – as it were – in order to stand up for what you most deeply believe. Your passions and creative artistry could find expression through intellectual, spiritual, or travel-related pursuits. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction in this New Moon configuration intensifies your mental processes and conversations this month, perhaps confronting you with unexpressed desires or creative drives. Your communicative outreach may be subtle in its changes. With transformational Pluto now in Aquarius, indicating long-lasting changes in your self-expression and adherence to your own individual projects, what’s coming to the surface over the course of this month offers the first whispers of the universe’s evolutionary plan for you for the next two decades.

A triple conjunction also takes place in this New Moon, perfecting in early February, between your ruling planet, Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces. This also shapes this lunation cycle, bringing focus to your sector of health, daily work, and routines, as well as partnership interactions. The first weekend of February may invite you to break from business as usual and prioritize what nourishes you. With the Lunar Nodes having shifted into the Virgo-Pisces axis, this area of your chart is the focus of an important new chapter, set in motion by eclipses this year. Neptune’s ongoing conjunction with the North Node this month may heighten the sense of uncertainty that comes with being in this transitional phase, urging you to anchor into a new vision and cultivate a deeper connection to the sacred.

Venus enters Aries on February 3rd, which could see important relationships in your life take unexpected priority. Empowered by a Venus sextile to Pluto, this ingress may draw you into deeper territories influencing matters of love, sensuality, and money — aspects of which will be up for further review next month.

A prolonged square between Chiron in Aries and retrograde Mars in Cancer also suggests you could be probing the emotional undercurrents of a romantic or business partnership in February. While dynamics within your realms of vocation and public image could activate insecurities, Mars’ introspective process offers strength through vulnerability; supporting you to access your power through consciously asserting needs and addressing imbalances.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, perhaps bringing themes of higher learning, beliefs, and exploration into focus in the surrounding week, as well as your more intimate relationship connections. Associated with wisdom and faith, this shift may signal renewed momentum within your intellectual and spiritual activities or new opportunities to expand your consciousness.

On the morning of February 9th, a Mercury Cazimi takes place in Aquarius. The broader Mercury- Sun square surrounding this moment of extreme clarity lasts from the 8th to the 9th. Charged up by an applying square to Uranus in Taurus, this period could bring surprises, relationship epiphanies, and other new insights. Unforeseen factors or rapid acceleration in resource or relationship dynamics could spark new awareness of issues with children, romance, or the cultivation of your passions.

The Leo Full Moon arrives on February 12th, Illuminating the significance of your long-term dreams and the communal dimension of your life. You could be reflecting on how much of yourself to share within collective spaces or on expressing your creative essence without fear of judgment. You may become more aware of how your creative output lands in your surrounding society. A tense T-square from Sun and Moon to Uranus in Taurus suggests new innovative recognition of this role, and perhaps turbulence in what’s going on privately within you or for your financial and collaborative entanglements; this may push you to take account of emotional realities as you navigate the social implications of change. Yet, Uranus' liberating energy – referred to as “freedom from the known,” – encourages you to explore new pathways to your creativity and your basic joys by fostering genuine connections and sharing your unique magic with others.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th as we enter Pisces season, where a buildup of planets converges in your sector of health, daily work, and service.

On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer. Standing dead still in the sky adds symbolic weight to the Mars presence and to its aspects, most noticeably the trine between Mars and Mercury in Pisces plus the long-running trine there with Saturn. Friction or fatigue could peak in this final week of February, perhaps emphasizing reevaluation in matters of career, calling, and leadership, Mars’ trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations could help you balance directness with diplomacy, perhaps with greater awareness of what you’re emotionally invested in or your needs to account for your well-being as well as your workload. While slow progress may require patience, the path is clearing for you to make moves in your domain of outer achievement.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces could help you strike a balance between structure and flow. While a confrontation with obstacles could push you to get serious about your health or habits, it’s an ideal time to formulate new strategies and consider the sharing of tasks and care taking efforts.

The Pisces New Moon on February 27th draws fresh energy into the rhythms of your daily life, encouraging you to cultivate practices that nourish your well-being and sense of purpose. You could be feeling over the following month a new sense of life mission. With Sun and Moon forming a square to Jupiter, the ruler of this New Moon, the pull of distant horizons might be something strongly felt as well, or perhaps frustrations with your usual daily grind. This tension invites reflection on how your beliefs and attitudes shape your everyday reality, encouraging you to broaden your worldview, deepen a spiritual practice, and take action aligned with your values and compassion.

This is another month of consequence for you, Scorpio. This is particularly the case in the area of home, family, and your psychological roots, corresponding to the sector that is for you represented by Aquarius, where the recent New Moon took place just before the February month began. This initiated a new astrological cycle for the current month, indicating something of fresh start in this area of your life. It is a time of transformation in this area as well, perhaps in terms of your familial dynamics, your dwelling space, or your family of origin. There is also the possibility of inner wounding arising, the residue of ancient undigested early childhood trauma, which may open the path for greater conscious acceptance and integration of these issues. The First Quarter Moon of February 5th could bring up factors of unresolved conflict between your family scene and close partners, or possibly referencing matters of commitment to a particular set of beliefs, while the Leo Full Moon a week later, on the 12th, speaks to the integration of public and private concerns in your life, with monkey wrenches potentially thrown in. You could be examining your dedication to a sense of life mission that has been coming on as a more significant life factor. All in all, this month may constitute a thoughtful time of getting ducks aligned; including important internal understandings.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The month begins in the days following the recent Aquarius New Moon, which seeded the current lunation cycle lasting throughout February in your sphere of home and family. Forming a trine to Jupiter in Gemini, and a grand trine when you include new 21st century planet Makemake, at 11° of Libra, strategic dynamics within your intimate and financial bonds could animate domestic or property considerations this month in combination with a sense of what is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your psyche, especially regarding you most sincere bottom-line values. Psychopomp Mercury conjoins Pluto at the very bottom of your chart, baring a message from the subterranean world that may intensify or clarify your focus, perhaps encouraging deeper exploration of your heritage and psychological roots. With Pluto now residing in early Aquarius, foundational themes emerging at this time give voice to a new era of life involving greater awareness of all that you hold dear in familial realms, which could be altering.

A triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, coinciding with the New Moon, highlights an intuitive and emotional process in your sector of children, self-expression, and joy, where the planetary energy builds throughout the cycle. Perfecting on February 1st, the first weekend of the month invites you to curb overthinking by prioritizing romance, creativity, and enjoyment. The recent nodal shift into the Virgo-Pisces axis emphasizes the gestational potency within this area of your chart, which is the grounds of a pivotal turning point activated by eclipses this year.

Venus’ ingress into Aries on February 3rd may shift you into a focus on work mode as she enters your sector of health, daily responsibilities, and routines. This is also a time of internal commitment to what comes at you from below, and a time of slowing down to prioritize full understanding as you hone your creative impulses.

A prolonged square between Chiron in Aries and retrograde Mars in Cancer could complicate work and wellbeing, potentially stirring up wounds connected to proficiency, productivity, outgrown habit patterns, or heath regimens. While dynamics within your sphere of higher learning, worldview, and travel could activate these fears of inadequacy, Mars’ inward process supports you in confronting undermining beliefs and habits, so that you can distribute your energy more consciously.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini. Joint efforts, contracts, and significant relationships could come to the forefront in the surrounding week. Jupiter is your money planet, and this shift may herald a positive turn of events regarding finances, business, or inheritance.

On the 8th and 9th, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius. Frank conversations or inner understanding could clarify a family, real estate, or domestic issue by bringing new information to light or stimulating innovative approaches.

The Leo Full Moon lands on the 12th in your vocational sector, where energy therefore converges, while a T-square from Sun and Moon to Uranus in Taurus focalizes the evolutionary tension to simultaneous changes in your home and relationship spheres. There could be surprises, or unexpected revelations from partners or in that sphere. Be it upheaval or fun excitement, this Full Moon may illuminate the emotional effects of maintaining professional responsibilities in the face of transformational pressure in your personal life, perhaps heightening sensitivity of your public image. This is the area of your life where you are called upon to embrace leadership and authenticity, and this phase may reveal places to engage your talents and passions or the influence of family and partnership dynamics on your career or drive for external success.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th, as we enter Pisces season. As far as Pisces, for you concerned with your joy and self-expression, a buildup of planets there puts a cosmic exclamation point on your realms of creativity and pleasure.

On the 23rd, Mars, your co-ruling planet, stations direct in Cancer. Barely moving in the sky for most of the month, Mars in slow motion implies that efforts or challenges surrounding education, travel, or your beliefs may peak in this final week of February. Mars’ trine to Mercury as it stations encourages you to channel your powerful emotions and intellect through avenues of creative self-expression. Your global consciousness and ethics are emphasized, or your outrage, and this may clarify where to direct your energy. While the warrior planet won’t recover all its lost zodiacal ground immediately, its forward motion implies that its gaze is now directed to what’s ahead, suggesting emerging relief or hard-earned progress.

On February 24th and 25th, Mercury conjoins Saturn in Pisces. While fears or obstacles could be accentuated surrounding self-expression, your happiness, or any children, in your life, this is equally a time to ground what’s inspiring you with practical plans. You may choose to address ambiguities in a romantic relationship or explore greater commitment. Neptune Is closely conjunct the Lunar North Node so that his boundary blurring action is amplified, contrasting with and highlighting the importance of embracing Saturn’s reality principle.

The Pisces New Moon of February 27th opens a new cycle in this important area of your creative self-expression. Matters of art, love, and children are the fertile grounds from which the story of March will evolve. With Sun and Moon forming a square to Jupiter, growth within your collaborations, investments, and intimate ties may be a source of positive pressure. Jupiter and Pisces speak of faith, and in the face of factors you cannot control, next month’s lunation cycle may challenge you to place more trust in where you’re going and what you may ultimately be up to in service of greater happiness, consistency, and fulfillment.


This is a thoughtful month for you, Sagittarius, with an enormous role to be played by important relationships and your communicative outreach in general. Your social networking partakes of an imaginative sense of wonder, while in your articulations you are striving to find the right words to express more subtle and inner-oriented ideas and feelings. You want to make something happen in terms of societal connections, and your creative contribution, although you might not be so sure of exactly what that entails, so that you are feeling your way through. The Leo Full Moon of the 12th, in the middle of the month’s second week, brings up further partnership involvement and also makes for dramatic progress when you might be jarring yourself out of established habitual behaviors that have outlived their practical usefulness, while your creative drive is at a high-water mark. Issues of self-worth or other forms of inner wounding might need to be addressed to get the most out of this high energy timing. The Last Quarter Moon in your sign on the 20th makes for another powerful juncture that illuminates the profound changes in your thought patterns that continuing to take place. You are perhaps only now recognizing the extent that your deepest principles and values are involved in your happiness with your decision process going forward, with partners and with your own personal evolution.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You meet the month in the early days of the Aquarius lunation cycle, lasting all through February, that was seeded at the recent New Moon in your sector of communication and learning, and your intellectual curiosity. A trine from the New Moon to your ruling planet, Jupiter, in your relationship sphere, may bring partners into the picture of your own evolutionary development or inspire meaningful conversations which offers opportunities for growth within your key partnerships. Mercury and Pluto are also in close conjunction in this New Moon, so that conversational exchanges could be transformational in their impact, draw you into uncharted territories, or prompt revelations. Pluto is now firmly positioned in Aquarius, implying that whether through introspection or dialogue, a powerful reframing process directed toward how you think, communicate, and engage with your surroundings. Inner wounding could also arise and present challenges, which can however be worked through with sufficient self-love plus having faith in the cosmos to see you through.

A triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces in this New Moon, perfecting on the 1st, highlights your sector of home, family, and your psychological roots while impacting as well your creative self-expression. The first week of February, beginning on the 3rd, offers partnership sharing and help with your societal connections and your own developmental issues. This is also an uplifting window to enjoy time with close kin or beautify your living space. Last month’s nodal shift into the Pisces-Virgo axis indicates that your domestic realm is the site of a new cycle of where eclipses land. The ongoing conjunction of Neptune and North Node there could amplify feelings of escapism or heighten idealism.

A prolonged square between Chiron in Aries and retrograde Mars in Cancer this month could compel you to address feelings you’ve been avoiding. With Mars retrograde in your sector of transformation and intimacy, dynamics within your close romantic, familial, and economic ties could trigger unresolved pain or security needs that may restrict authentic self-expression or playfulness. Energetic and emotional release may help drain the buildup at your foundations, while rest will recharge you.

On February 3rd, also, Venus enters Aries, helping you unleash your inner child by energizing the fun side of life as she enters your sector of romance, joy, and children. A simultaneous sextile to Pluto in Aquarius empowers your creative instincts, perhaps by bringing awareness to shadows around pleasure or unexpressed desires.

On February 4th, Jupiter at 11° of Gemini stations to direct motion, standing momentarily dead still in the sky as it changes direction. This shift may signal renewed meaning or momentum in both intimate and business partnerships, which will likely draw focus in the days surrounding this event. A grand trine in Air is activated this first week of the month – with Jupiter, your ruler, as it stations in your relationship sector, trine to Mercury in Aquarius, and also the new 21st century KBO planet Makemake at 11° of Libra in your social sector, this is an important juncture when partners join friends and group affiliations that you favor in helping you come to a more complete understanding of the way that important principles and values deep within you have an influence on where your thinking is heading and what your conscious articulations have to offer to others.

On the early morning of the 9th, a Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius further vitalizes your communication and learning processes, perhaps bringing a shift in perspective toward greater clarity – an “ah ha” moment that stimulates deep and honest conversations. The Mercury- Sun conjunction within a degree or so, lasting from the 8th to the 9th, is also an insightful time when mental acuity is favored, and when your inner world is again reflected in your more conscious utterances.

On February 12th, the Leo Full Moon arrives in your sector of higher education, spirituality, travel, beliefs, and worldview, where you may find yourself mounting a new search for meaning. Cooperative challenges or power dynamics within intellectual settings could prompt reflection on how you embody your convictions or consider different viewpoints. The Sun and Moon are also making a T-square to Uranus in Taurus, your sector of daily work and health, so that what may be emphasized in this mid-month timing is the challenge of reconciling big-picture thinking with practical know-how. With Trickster Uranus in this mix, surprises could ensue, along with unexpected intuitive information that could inform you of habitual patterns that might require review or adjustment. Turbulence or unexpected factors related to your health or work could urge you to address your emotional and physical well-being.

Mercury joins the buildup of planets in Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th as you enter Pisces season. Your sector of home and family becomes even more where the action is!

On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer, which may emphasize friction or difficulties surrounding financial matters and intimate ties or other encounters with crises in the final weeks of February. Forming a trine to Mercury in Pisces as he stations, Mars may provide inner reevaluation or discussions around home, property, and family to guide a shift in momentum. This process could bring greater awareness of what you’re emotionally invested in, enabling a conscious approach in league with intuition to help with unresolved issues. Mars will exit its shadow in May, marking a more favorable time for significant financial, contractual, or collaborative decisions.

On the 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces presents an opportunity to approach domestic and family dynamics constructively. While challenges could be highlighted, engage the mental fortitude that is also on offer to go over the fine print, take in the lessons, and ground future-oriented dreams with a practical plan.

On the 27th, a New Moon in Pisces draws fresh energy into your foundational sector, where property, domestic life, and family set the stage for March. The stellium of planets at the root of your chart amplifies themes of healing, supporting you in releasing emotional burdens tied to your family and heritage. This also highlights the importance of having a sanctuary space to find your solid ground. A square from Sun and Moon to Jupiter could challenge you to address expectations and mutual support within a relationship, while an optimistic sextile between Venus and Jupiter suggests that tackling these tensions could inspire you to explore new ways to collaborate or reignite passion.

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This is an interesting and almost magical month for you, Capricorn, when your values are emphasized, and when your outer world persona partakes of taking an active stand for your deepest principles. Your beliefs and evolving worldview come into this, and it is not all easy going, with conflicts sprinkled in. The reward factor is there for you depending on how open you can be to the reality of transformation. Partners in your life might provide one catalyst to move the needle of awareness on where you feel you might be heading as you grow and change. The first week of February is key, especially Monday to Wednesday, giving a boost to your career and professional life, and for that aligning with deep intention and your most cherished values. The dark places within you might come alive as part of this, with the ancient memory of internal wounding breaking through to the forefront of your ideation. Then, the Leo Full Moon of February 12th brings Trickster Uranus into the picture of your ongoing focus on your creative self-expression which could echo all kinds of wild inventiveness and a fierce inner drive for top-to-bottom integration of public and private, relationship and family dynamics. The Last Quarter Moon of the 20th brings about a contrast of pathways forward as you reflect upon the metamorphosis of your resources and values.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

February begins in the early days of the lunation cycle precipitated by the recent Aquarius New Moon, thus seeded in your significant sphere of resources, values, finances and talents. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction is highlighted in this New Moon, so that there is a transformational element to this area, also linked to your day-to-day habitual patterns as well as your beliefs and worldview. Your financial considerations may be intensified this month, and you could be giving serious thought to future stability or discovering new ways to harness your resources and skills. Inner wounding could also come up, as applying to familial dynamics, relationships, or perhaps your family of origin. With Pluto having now departed your sign, significant personal changes within you may involve a new blueprint that deepens your sense of abundance and self-worth. A trine from the New Moon to Jupiter in Gemini is actually a grand trine when you consider the new 21st century Nature planet Makemake, located in your sector of career and professional life, which area therefore receives further emphasis related to finding your own inner principles of truth to articulate and espouse as part of your public statement.

A triple conjunction also found in the New Moon, between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, perfecting on the 1st, underscores the necessity of both emotional and rational intelligence this month. Taking place in your sector of the mind and local environment, curiosity and learning, a rose-colored lens may frame your vision over the first week of February, welcoming heartfelt conversations, creative self-expression, and romantic excursions. The recent nodal shift into the Virgo-Pisces axis indicates your communication sector is the future site of a significant new cycle of eclipse-related developments, so that it’s worth paying attention to intuitive downloads coming through; journaling might be one way to take advantage of this.

On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries or your sector of home and family. Your domestic relationships could become an even more significant focus, or your enthusiasm could be directed toward enjoyment and aesthetic improvements within your living space.

A prolonged square between Chiron in Aries and Mars retrograde in Cancer this month may also highlight the importance of cultivating personal space at home. With Mars retrograde in your sector of one-on-one partnerships, challenging relational dynamics could activate unresolved foundational wounds, potentially unsettling your sense of stability. Mars’ inward process supports energy redirection through establishing healthy boundaries, helping you stay grounded in your own purpose and needs while fostering your close familial connections.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini. Your health, daily work, and habits, plus resources along with career considerations, could be highlighted in the first week of February — including where you’ve been overdoing it. This shift signals there’s a change in the air, perhaps bringing a more positive, "whistle while you work" attitude to your daily routines or opportunities for growth that tie into developments in your financial sector.

On the early morning of the 9th, a Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius could spark innovative ideas or news regarding your resources or skillset. Over the time period of the 8th and the 9th there is still Mercury- Sun and without however the special magic of the extremely close orb of the Cazimi. A simultaneous trine between your ruling planet, Saturn, and Mars in Cancer suggests collaborative goals could drive this strategizing.

The Leo Full Moon on February 12th, lighting up your sphere of shared resources, personal transformation, and intimacy. Innovative information and collaborative sharing are even more important factors now. Questions of reciprocity or cooperative challenges could be highlighted within contractual or intimate dynamics. With Sun and Moon forming a tense T-square to Uranus in Taurus, shifting sands within your sector of creativity, romance, and children could be a focal point for emotionally charged exchanges or create enough pressure to shift a long-standing pattern. There could be surprises, or surprising realizations. This Full Moon encourages you to recognize your emotional well-being and happiness as essential components of your commitments — calling for your courage to express your feelings and desires. When things might feel the most urgent, you might try unplugging to process and reconnect with what inspires you and grounds you as that could be of great value to you this month.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, closely followed by the Sun on the 18th, as we enter Pisces season, the sign where a buildup of planets puts the spotlight on your mental processes, sibling relationships, and learning pursuits.

On February 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer, where it has been conducting a review of your one-on-one relationships since January. With Mars grinding to a halt in the second half of the month, brewing tensions or unresolved issues may come to a head, pushing you to address something you might have been avoiding. With Mars forming a trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations, a deeper and more conscious understanding of the patterns at play and where you’re at emotionally may help clarify your thoughts, encouraging constructive action through open, empathetic communication.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction takes place in Pisces. Learning or communication-related projects may call for your sustained focus or problem-solving abilities. Their separating trine to Mars could encourage future-focused conversations that realign shared goals or bring closure to what has run its course.

On the 27th, the Pisces New Moon brings fresh energy into your sector of the communication, curiosity, learning, and local interactions, lasting through March, encouraging you to tap into your creative and intuitive reservoirs to expand your vision. A square to Jupiter, ruler of this New Moon, emphasizes the logical demands of your daily work, challenging you to honor your inner voice and what’s inspiring you alongside your responsibilities. An extended conjunction with the North Node is still active so next month may also have the factor of amplifying your sensitivity to the effects of your interactions with information and technology. Reshaping outdated patterns and exploring more fulfilling ways to engage with knowledge remain on your horizon.

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This is a big month for you, Aquarius, with the recent New Moon in your sign, and with also the Leo Full Moon on February 12th making a close T-square to your ruler, Uranus, in your fourth house of home and family. The areas of identity, familial concerns, and root psychological issues are fully up for you along with worldview and your creative self-expression. You are, in many ways, being asked to redefine yourself with transformational Pluto located in the early degrees of your sign, plus being conjunct to Mercury in the New Moon configuration that governs the current lunation cycle lasting through almost all of February. The first week of the month, beginning on February 3rd, and punctuated by the First Quarter Moon on February 5th, is monumental, with a tight grand trine emphasizing your communicative outreach, curiosity, beliefs, and worldview. There is an emphasis on moral principle and connection to natural law that arises within you from deep internal values. The Full Moon comes along a week later and speaks to issues of self and other, along with the inner focus that characterizes your current arc of development. There is some tension in this mix, through to the end of the month, as well as a determination to articulate everything that you hold inside, including the way that your own unique values influence your vocational choices and aspirations.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter February in the days following a powerful Aquarian New Moon, which seeded the thirty-day cycle for the coming month in your sign, reflecting your sector of character, identity, and physical constitution. With Pluto now firmly settled into your sign for the next 20 years, it’s determined to get your attention this month — a conjunction between Pluto with Mercury suggests that what’s gripping your mind offers clues to a comprehensive process of transformation now underway in your perspective, self-image, and life path. A trine from the New Moon to Jupiter in Gemini and to the new 21st century Nature planet Makemake, speaks to evolutionary strides that take your understanding and ideas further toward taking a stand for bottom line principles in which you most deeply believe, as well as providing a channel employing your mental energy toward the fulfillment and joy of hobbies, creative projects, romances, or any children in your life.

A triple conjunction in this New Moon between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, perfecting on February 1st, also shapes this entire cycle, highlighting your relationship to material resources, income, and self-worth. You could feel inspired by new ways to harness your resources and skills that align with your values or creative fulfillment. The desire to acquire may also be heightened, or perhaps an urge to refine your appearance. With the Lunar Nodes shifting this year into the Virgo-Pisces axis, your financial sector is also the site of a new chapter of eclipse-related developments still to come.

On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries, directing your charm and enthusiasm toward your mental activities, local interactions, and sibling relationships. Venus additionally connects to Pluto by sextile, suggesting that regeneration in your creative identity could energize a communication-related project or stimulate passionate conversations.

A square between Mars in Cancer and Chiron in Aries from the 3rd to the 6th could introduce challenging dynamics to your daily exchanges. With Mars retrograde in your sector of day-to-day accomplishment, you may feel defensive as work or wellness issues trigger vulnerabilities around mental health, self-assertion, or intellectual independence. You might want to engage Mars’ inward journey to sever old narratives — stepping back when triggered in conversations to address underlying emotions will help you to more safely express your perspectives satisfying underlying convictions.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini in your sector of self-expression and children. This shift may signal a resurgence of inspiration and enthusiasm in your creative passions, romances, and leisure pursuits, which could take center stage. You could seize the supportive trine between stationing Jupiter and Mercury in your sign from to advance your aims by reaching out to others or sharing creative work.

On the morning of the 9th, a Mercury- Sun Cazimi could bring a flash of insight or clarity regarding your sense of purpose, identity, or appearance. The wider conjunction of Mercury to the Sun from the 8th to the 9th represents a thoughtful time of applying mentation to your ongoing personal transformation and also forms an applying square with Uranus in Taurus indicating surprise events or revelations that might culminate with the mid-week Leo Full Moon, suggesting foundational changes that could drive shifts in your outlook.

On February 12th, the Leo Full Moon lights up your axis of self and other, drawing attention to personal changes affecting your relationships. Your partner's needs could take center stage, perhaps inspiring you to nurture the playful and heartfelt aspects of your connection or explore new ways of relating. The Sun and Moon make a T-square to Uranus in your sector of home, family and your psychological roots, which could act as an emotional pressure cooker. Surprises could again be in store, along with intuitive information that helps you to see familial dynamics in a new light. The effects of rapid shifts or sudden instability could catalyze conflict or allow breakthrough in both personal and business partnerships, urging you to recalibrate these connections to align with domestic developments or personal understandings. It could be vital that you take time out — perhaps in nature — for grounding yourself in order to more fully process these transformations.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th as we enter Pisces season, focusing a stellium of planetary energy in your financial sector.

On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer. Workplace conflicts or challenges related to your health, day-to-day events, and responsibilities could be emphasized in the final week of February, highlighting the importance of thoughtful self-assertion, listening to your body’s needs for rest, or energetic catharsis. With Mars forming a trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations, insights regarding your resources or livelihood could be very key right now, contributing to your evolving motivation.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces offers focused discipline to get your financial ducks in a row. While Saturn can emphasize pessimism, it’s an ideal time to strategize for the future and address resource-related ambiguities that were perhaps exacerbated by the Neptune-North Node conjunction this month.

The New Moon in Pisces on February 27th brings fresh energy into your sector of resources, skills, and self-esteem, encouraging you to ground your dreams with a practical plan and reflect on what true abundance means for you. The New Moon connects to Jupiter by square, suggesting that developments related to children, creative projects, or lifestyle investments could challenge you to adjust your spending or leisure habits to better align with your values.

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This is a February when you are entering into a new phase, Pisces, with your astrological factors in motion. Extra information coming to you from unusual sources – arriving from the deep soul side of your evolving psyche – is helpful as you gain in awareness and growth. The recent New Moon in Aquarius that defines the thirty-day lunation cycle for the current month was also kicked off by a dramatic triple conjunction between Venus, the North Lunar Node, and your ruling planet, Neptune, all located in the final degrees of your sign. This amazing aspect perfects on the 1st. This links your sectors of identity and communication, describing mental curiosity and extreme learning within you while internal depth research and your communicative outreach are also key. Meanwhile and quite significantly as well, the Aquarius sign in your solar chart is associated with unconscious process and inner work to get you to a more integrated approach to what’s happening beneath your surface layers. Jupiter in your sector of home and family is also highlighted this month – another indication of emotional intelligence from below – along with familial dynamics and issues of family of origin. When the Leo Full Moon lands, on February 12th, there is an additional emphasis from planet Uranus implying that your intuitive sense of things can arise almost unbidden and tell you true, provided that you are willing to allow this.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You meet February in the early days of an Aquarius lunation cycle in your sector of the unconscious, spirituality, inner work, and hidden matters, lasting almost all through the month of February. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction in this New Moon indicates that your thoughts might be drawn inward this month — whether you’re deep in self-analysis, sitting with complicated emotions, or processing undigested pain, retreating to rest and recenter yourself is valuable. A trine from the New Moon to Jupiter, your ruling planet, broadens your sight to developments within your realms of home and family, which may lift your mindset or offer an outlet for conferring with others. With Pluto now firmly in Aquarius, this New Moon marks a departure point, with seeds leading to the future beginning to sprout deep within your psyche.

A triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node taking place in your sign in the New Moon and perfecting the first weekend in February calls you to merge intellect with intuition, drawing you into a creative process unfolding within your identity sector. This may bring a sense of hope or inspiration — encouraging you to immerse yourself in nature and soul-nourishing pursuits. With the Lunar Nodes having shifted onto the Virgo-Pisces axis, your self-image, character, and physical constitution are the focus of an important new chapter of development, set in motion by the eclipses of a demanding year. The extended Neptune-North Node conjunction, alongside themes of healing and emotional breakthrough, may amplify your uncertainties of being in a transitional period.

On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries, which may bring to the forefront. considerations of your resources, livelihood, and skillset The planet of love and money may highlight themes of value and self-worth; perhaps you’re investing in your appearance or giving deeper thought to your calling.

A month-long square between Chiron in Aries and Mars in Cancer could add additional tension to matters in your financial sector, or around self-worth and stability. With Mars retrograde in your self-expression, sector, challenges related to children, creativity, or romantic connections could bring deeper vulnerabilities to the surface. With Chiron being in Aries, healing may come through action — encouraging you to override self-protective mechanisms to engage your inner wounding, free up your abilities, and invest in your passions.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, or your sector of home, family, and property, which may draw greater focus in this radical first week of February. This shift could herald revived momentum or greater focus on learning and connection within your living environment and domestic relationships.

On the 8th and 9th, a Mercury- Sun conjunction in Aquarius strikes a match within your hidden realms, where messages could surface through dreams or intuition. An applying square to Uranus in Taurus bridges your unconscious with conscious awareness, suggesting new information, writing, or conversations which may act as channels for catharsis, together with unexpected insights or startling intuitive revelations.

The Full Moon in Leo lands on February 12th, illuminating your sector of daily work, habits, and health, and seeking the connection there with your current focus on your subconscious patterns and inner well-being. With Sun and Moon forming an activating T-square to Uranus in your sphere of the mind and communication, there could be surprising information coming your way or unexpected revelations. This Full Moon could also highlight the tension between being complacent, then recognizing a pattern and finally breaking free from it. Shifts in perspective, mental health considerations, or learning pursuits could compel changes that support your happiness and health. This Full Moon speaks to your emotional and embodied needs, perhaps revealing where joy, purpose, and alignment are present — or missing — within your routines and responsibilities, and thus highlighting what needs to be nurtured or redefined. When things are getting to feel urgent, stepping away from the digital noise to ground and engage in activities that bring you back to your heart could be key.

Mercury enters your sign of Pisces on the 14th, closely followed by the Sun on the 18th as you enter your solar return month, where a buildup of planets gathers affecting your sense of selfhood.

On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer, where it has been conducting a process of review in your sphere of self-expression and joy. Challenges or energy directed toward creativity, children, or matters of sexuality may peak in the weeks surrounding this station, potentially heightening emotional reactivity. Mars forming a trine to Mercury in your sign may encourage you to articulate your desires or explore new channels to express your vital energy, resourced with data from your hidden realms, and deepening inner awareness.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in your sign may bring focus to heavier existential questions or burdens you’re carrying. However, it offers the brains and discipline to bring structure to your unfolding dreams, while a separating trine to Mars suggests children or your personal passions could energize these considerations.

The New Moon in your sign on February 27th opens a fresh cycle associated with your identity sector, where your psychology, self-image, and purpose are fertile ground for the unfolding story of March. With this New Moon squaring Jupiter, its ruler, tensions between your trajectory and the influence of family, origins, or home may be highlighted, encouraging you to explore your individual purpose and self-definition. While what’s ahead is still taking shape, Saturn’s lingering link to Mercury suggests you already know what no longer serves you, thereby urging release of old identities and attachments to enable you to better meet yourself in the present.

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