The Love Life You Desire With Your Elite Attention
Excerpt from "The Power of Attention"
by Ralph
The things to which you give your attention will grow stronger. Think
about something, focus on something, give your energy to something, and
that energy gives it life, whatever it may be.
What you work toward will grow stronger. What you fight against will
also grow stronger.
If you focus on your frustrations, you end up becoming even more
frustrated. And if you then continue to dwell on those frustrations,
eventually you reach the point where it's nearly impossible to focus on
anything else.
Yet when you direct your thoughts toward your blessings, your
possibilities, and the opportunities that life presents, those good and
valuable things become even more so. The power of your attention can
quickly transform modest value into ever-increasing richness and
In every moment you have the choice of where to direct your attention.
Life may throw all sorts of things your way, and yet you can always
decide where the power of your attention is focused.
As you go through this day, make yourself aware of how you use the
enormous power of attention. Keep your attention locked solidly on the
positive possibilities, and you will give them life.
Excerpt from ?Ask and It Is Given?
by Esther & Jerry
By the powerful
Universal Law of Attraction, you draw to you the essence of whatever you
are predominantly thinking about. So if you are predominantly thinking
about the things that you desire, your life experience reflects those
things. And, in the same way, if you are predominantly thinking about
what you do not want, your life experience reflects those things.
Whatever you are thinking about is like planning a future event. When
you are appreciating, you are planning. When you are worrying, you are
planning. (Worrying is using your imagination to create something
you do not want.)
Every thought, every idea, every Being, every thing, is vibrational, so
when you focus your attention on something, even for a short period of
time, the vibration of your Being begins to reflect the vibration of
that which you are giving your attention to. The more you think about
it, the more you vibrate like it; the more you vibrate like it, the more
of that which is like it is attracted to you. That trend in attraction
will continue to increase until a different vibration is offered by you.
And when a different vibration is offered, things that match that
vibration are then drawn
to you, by you. When
you understand the Law of Attraction, you are never surprised by what
occurs in your experience, for you understand that you hove invited
every bit of it in through your own thought process. Nothing can occur
in your life experience without your invitation of it through your
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